Dolores Kauffman

Hi, my name is Dolores. Yorkies have been the love of my heart since the acquisition of my first Yorkie in the late 60's. I don't blame the nice man that sold me the first one that I tried to show. I paid a pet price and he had no idea that I would become an exhibitor. For that matter, neither did I.

With 30+ years in the breed, breeding for quality has been, and still is my priority. If the proof is in the pudding, it could be said that 60+ Championships is my proof of the pudding/quality. The photos herein represent the quality that you can expect from Eden Valley Yorkies.

If you are looking for quality in your next companion/pet, then you will definitely want to purchase from a breeder who has the expertise that you are counting on. Remember, anyone can be a breeder and the Internet is chock full of 'breeders' listings. It makes me no difference at all if you don't purchase from me, I would just like you to select a person of reputation to do business with, so you will be completely satisfied.

Being a breeder isn't just as simple as putting 2 dogs together and hope you'll get good puppies. Studying the pedigrees to bring out the good qualities on each side is what constitutes being a 'responsible breeder.'

When my first couple of Yorkies couldn't get any more than Reserve, I looked for better quality. I learned that if you want real quality, you'd better go to those who know the breed, unless you don't mind throwing away your money. You wouldn't think of going to a yard sale to buy your next computer would you?

In your search for just the right puppy and breeder, please remember that the Internet offers many options and, as good as the Internet is, unfortunately, it also gives out a lot of false impressions and much confusing information. Selecting a knowledgeable breeder will be of great value to you.

The Internet is an advertising source only and, all advertisers are not of the same caliber. The qualities of Yorkies that some breeders produce are only a reflection of their reasons for breeding in the first place. I kid you not, if they're not breeding to 'improve' with each litter, then they're not dedicated to preserving the quality of the breed.

As much as I hate to tell you this, there are in fact, puppy millers advertising on the WWW. Policing is not the job of the referral service; it's your responsibility. Therefore, I would encourage you to feel 100% comfortable with the person you are talking to. If too many red flags pop up, let that be your clue to keep looking, no matter how long it takes.

I tell you these things not to scare you, or 'put you off' on the breed. I don't even mind the cost to post this information on the Internet because I know down deep in my heart that someone will read it and learn from it. Although you may never contact me, if you know that I have pointed you in the right direction, then my mission has been accomplished.

P.S. I do appreciate it when someone takes the time to Email me with his or her opinion on my site.

Yorkies are all born black and go through many changes from birth to adulthood. The younger they are when their color start turning/breaking on their head and body, the lighter their body color will be when mature. I can tell you more about a 10-week-old puppy than I could when it was 8 weeks of age. Likewise, I can know more about the projected adult size, color, and texture when a puppy is 4 months old than I could have at 3 months of age. As a person who has 30 + years in the breed, I can tell you it is all but impossible to know at 6 to 8 weeks of age the mature size, weight, color, texture, etc. of an individual puppy. Don't let anyone kid you into thinking that you can be sure of what the puppy is going to look like when it is grown, just because you've been able to see the parents. Talk about an 'old wives' tale!

Be realistic, just how many people do you personally know that the kids all look exactly like the mom and dad. The bottom line is, it's just how those genes match up. Show people study the pedigrees and know what is 'behind' the stud and dam before they do a breeding. Even so, there is a 'throw back' once in a while.

Anyone can (and most usually do) charge a big price for their puppies but, are you able to be certain that they're entitled to that many of your hard earned dollars? It's wise for you to become comfortable with the breeder you're purchasing from.

You'll find the most knowledgeable breeders among those who are exhibitors. After all, that's where the show quality dogs come from. They certainly don't come from the back yard breeders, pet stores, puppy mills, or the newspaper. Don't think you are paying for a show price just because you buy from a show person. You're paying for their knowledge and ability to properly evaluate each puppy and price them according to thier quailty. You stand a much better chance of getting what you pay for from a knowledgeable breeder than from any other kind. As hard as this may be for you to believe, show people rarely make any money at this. This is mostly a hobby, and a very expensive one at times. Especially if you take in Specialties and Westminster, as I do frequently.

We do not have a kennel; all of our dogs are also pets and live in the house with us. I want each puppy that I sell to go to a loving, caring home that is going to as good or better than ours. Is that the kind of home you have for one of my puppies? Yorkies are house dogs, not outside dogs and should not be shut in the garage or laundry room. Yorkies are people dogs; they want to be with you. You won't believe how much love one little dog can give you, that is, unless you have already been a Yorkie owner.

Only my love of the breed surpasses the pleasure I derive from exhibiting. Many of the puppies that are being loved and just sitting on someone’s' lap could have been exhibited but, someone came along that needed a puppy more than I did. 30+ years in the breed and 60+ Championships later, I can honestly say that I am proud of what I have been able to accomplish in the breed. Not to mention the many, many new friends that I've made, all because of the Yorkies. Incidentally, this is the only breed that I've been involved with as a breeder/exhibitor. Not other breeds at this household.

I appreciate the time that you have taken to read my site; therefore, I must tell you that my prices reflect those of comparable exhibitor/breeders of like quality. We do not breed for pet store or newspaper type/priced puppies. Therefore, you are going to find cheaper prices in the newspaper.

In your search for your next puppy you will learn that prices will vary drastically from breeder to breeder and region to region. You’re going to find higher prices from an exhibitor/breeder than from others, that's how it should be. Exhibitor breeders put much more time, work, and money into this than other breeders. If it's been 8, 10, or 14 years since you purchased your last Yorkie, please be informed that nothing, absolutely nothing, is close to or even double the cost it was that long ago.

I do not price a puppy until I've decided to sell; it is priced according to Age, Sex, Size, and your needs. Pricing a puppy is the hardest part of being a breeder, at least for me. I don't take kindly to letting some of them go. My only consolation is that I know they're going to be showered with lots of love.

Limited registration means no breeding and that you are acceptable to spaying or neutering your puppy.

Full registration means you have full privileges and may breed or show.

Pet prices, limited reg. Males $800 to $1,750 -- Females $1,500 to $2,000.
Stud or Brood , full reg. Male or Female $1,500 to $3,000.
Tinies , limited reg., expected to mature to 4 lbs or under - Male or Female $1,500 to $3,000.
Show Prospect, full reg. Male or Female $2,000 to $5,000.

© 2009
Dolores P. Kauffman Confirmation exhibitor/breeder 30 + years

Eden Valley Yorkshire Terriers YTCA member since 1976.
Each litter is purely bred for standard confirmation, quality, temperament, and beauty.

Phone: 530-637-4143 / Fax: 530-637-5841
Shipping from Sacramento, CA at buyers expense

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