The Heavens declare the Glory of God...
And the firmament shows His handiwork.
Psalm 19:1
I've never been able to understand how anyone could look to the sky on a warm summer night and behold the celestial tapistry and still say there is no God!
There is constant activity in the heavens. Although we may not see the most of it, it is still there.
On warm summer nights my children and myself love to take a blanket and lay it out on the lawn and watch the stars.
Boring!..... you say?
Not for a moment!
We live in the country where there are no city lights, no smog or anything else to obstruct our view.
The very first time we lay out on the ground to watch the stars we saw over 100 falling stars!
What a light show!!!
I had no idea there was such action above us every night.
To say the least, we spent many a night watching the show above us, and we were never disapointed!
But there is also action far far away that the naked eye cannot see...the hidden and out of view "Glory of God".
Stars are continually bieng born and dying.
New galaxys are constantly bieng formed and growing...
God has given us the technology of telescopes like the Hubble Telescope so we can have the priveledge of beholding some of
"His Glory and His Handiwork"!
So take my hand, and come with me through timeless space to see some of those "hidden and out of view" Glories of God.