Home Page of Tom Riggle

Updated: May 22, 1999

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General Links . Christian Links .Images . Photos .Southwest . Books . Quotes . Articles . Scrabble . Anagrams . View Guestbook . Sign Guestbook

Welcome gentle surfer. Hopefully, I have something of interest for you.

I have two pages on this at this time: An extensive page of links to other Christian sites and a more modest page of articles (most of them are written by me).

There are two email discussion groups that may interest you:

ABCBible is for those who want to discuss what the Bible says on a variety of topics. Several themes and subjects are touched upon but the emphasis is on the Bible's relation to our everyday lives.
ABCProphecy, similarly, is for the biblical discussion of prophetical passages and events.

Part of the joy of reading good books is the sharing of what you read with others. On my Book Page I recklessly parade my ignorance of what I have read. My page of quotes is constantly growing. There is also a second page of more lengthy quotations.

The Southwest Page includes rambling, sun-induced accounts of various and far-flung trips we have taken in the American Southwest (mainly New Mexico and Arizona, but also southern Colorado and Utah and Trans-Pecos Texas). We also made forays into the northern tier of Mexican states. One of the cheapest ways to see Mexico is by bus. Here is my first page on that adventure. Pages two and three are also finished.

The image gallery has some of my artwork in thumbnail and in larger size. Some of these were previously published in various places. I also have a page of photographs of the Southwest, Mexico and of Germany.

Four pages are devoted to my favorite game. First, I have a collection of Scrabble and word-related links. And for those who like solving anagrams, I have four pages of anagram sentences for the reader to solve. (pages 1, 2,3 and 4.)

My father, Leslie Riggle, has written a book on the Riggle/Riegel family. He is always looking for more information, so if you have some for him let him know. Likewise my mother, Martha Riggle, is gathering information on her side of our family - Kotenbeutel.

This issue will be of increasing importance as this last year of this millenium progresses. Nevertheless, there is a lot of hysteria and hype on the net (and elsewhere) that make clear thinking and sensible preparation difficult. For those who want to discuss this issue, there is ABCY2K, a discussion group that offers and encourages the sharing of practical suggestions to a crisis that will need to be taken seriously.

Just a little bit about myself:
I was born in Bensheim, West Germany around about the midcentury. I got much of my Bible training and a BA degree at Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina. That is where I met my wife, Julie (Dorwald) Riggle, who promptly continued my education! Now we live in Tucson, Arizona. We love that Sonoran desert. We also love travelling and meeting people from all over this world.

For those who share an interest in the bindery and printing industry, I invite to join the BinderyList.

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Email is always appreciated.

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