This is my fourth page of anagrams. These are taken from my book, "Nepotism at the Pimentos Factory".
For those who surfed in blithely unawares, I refer you to this page to explain what an anagram is.

1. Wth an adept _______ he despites the truth .
2. When he sacks and pillages he makes allowance for some  _______.
3. When Hank hankered for a _______ his wife harkened.
4. The virus worked with a _______ biocidal briskness.
5. Unsportsmanlike spiking of the _______ is a sin.
6. I'm against _______ beanbag beds!
7. _______ were the anchors of the ship of state when the Greek was great.
8. When they heard him maunder they were alarmed; then they saw he was ________.
9. Too late into the date, she ________ he's a section eight!
10. Ratlike people tend to be _______.
11. The starling has  ________ feathers, the larkiest song and a  ________ nest.
12. The ________ threw the widows out into the vortices of economic forces.
13. One singer outsung the other how the slinger ________  his brother.
14. Whatever you propose, the  ________ is agin it!
15. Said one blowfish to his buddy,"Lets blow this ________ !"
16. We use ________  to measure mensural matters.
17.A charmer is a ________  of admirers (some of whom are ________ ).
18.  He siphons all their savings by playing up his ________.
19. Cannibal complaint: "I can't eat these levators if you ________ them!"
20. Even the  ________ , when irked by an urticant, aren't silent.


 1. sidestep 2. spillage 3. dakerhen 4. diabolic 5. pigskin
6. antisag 7. archons 8. unarmed 9. notices 10. talkier
11. starlike, stalkier 12. evictors 13. outguns 14. opposer 15. sourced
16. numerals 17. disarmer, marrieds 18. sonship 19. oversalt 20. taciturn

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 Well, Tom, this is what I think of this exercise in futility...

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