Contrary to popular belief, Schnauzers did not decend from canines but directly from dinosaurs!
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OOPS, sorry...........I forgot, I have to use those primative homo-sapien symbols. Please scroll down for the beginning of the story.
As I was saying, contrary to popular belief, Schnauzers did not decend from canines but
directly from dinosaurs - namely T-Rex and their scientific name is Schnauzasaurus Rex
(S-Rex) Family history, as told to Michele by her grandmother, states that Michele's
great, great, great, great (you get the picture) grandfather Thaddius T-Rex met and fell
in love with a cute little wooly mammoth named Wilma and against family tradition, they
Because of this marriage, the gigantic stature of the T-Rex When homo-sapiens arrived on the scene, S-Rex was curious but cautious
and made it a pratice to study this S-Rex, being extremely intelligent, decided that the new species might be One task, one cookie, etc until the cookie reward was no longer necessary -
began to shrink down in size, during the eons that passed,
until they reached the present days size known to mankind
as miniature Schnauzers. Prior to the present day size, the
S-Rex was the second most feared carnivore to walk the earth.
two legged animal from a distance. The new
species lives in holes in the rocks and
uses fire to cook the kill of the day. This
intrigued S-Rex, who was sure that the new
neighbors could be domesticated.
useful to test the theories, developed by Professor Schnauzasaurus Pavlov, on
reverse psychology. Immediately S-Rex commenced planning the cookie theory.
Because of the changes in body structure, S-Rex lost the short arms along
with the ability to construct dwellings, prepare meals and invent automobiles
(S-Rex invented the wheel). If the homo-sapiens could be trained to perform
these tasks, the S-Rex would still be able to flourish. So for each task
performed,the homo-sapiens were given a cookie.
at which point we turned the cookie theory around to benefits us. They do one task,
we get one cookie. The rest is history.....