Picture Collage of 2004
Below are various pictures of family, friends, events, etc. - Enjoy!

Geoff gets shaved for little boy's leukemia fundraiser

Hackneys at Christmas 2003

Lenin's Birthday Party

The SKG Pages December 2004

Halloween - what great costumes! Curt came as a Professor!

Lil Superman

What a pretty Snow White

Sea Otter Leni meets neighborhood friend!

Geoff's My Big Bust!

At Lake Tahoe Condo

June 23, 1962

Dec. 24, 2002

Mimi gets released 5 days later on 8/04/04

Papa gets ready for the knife! 12/06/04

Baby Tyler as of August 10, 2004 due on January 14, 2005 - our new grandson!

Respite in the park at swim meet!

Sami's birthday!

At Winship School Festival

Sean denies posing for this picture!

Seth's Baptismal Group

Seth's Godparents, Lucille & Jim Imhoff

Sami Oct. 2004

Seth Oct. 2004

Bishop Weigand confirms Spencer

Sterling goes for gold at annual swim meet!

Reindeeer Goats

A bunch of reindeer

Seth at birthday party!

Miriam, Seth & Jeni at birthday party, both Miriam and Seth born Dec. 17th.
Happy Birthday!