This ribbon was originated by Schai Pilkenton, feel free to copy it to your page. Show the world you support breastfeeding!

Hi, welcome to my Castle. Here you will learn everything you could ever want to know about ME. Prepare to be bored to tears! ;o)

I do all sorts of crafts, my favorites are crochet, knitting, and calligraphy. I run a non-profit group that makes clothing and other items for preemies, if you want to learn about it go to my HomeMade Dreams Care Wear Page there are links to patterns, and other groups, and if you want to help my group the address to send items to is there.

I believe in miracles. I think that they are a big part of anything good that happens. My kids are all miracles, as are all children, but they were given to me as gifts, and after battling with RSV to keep Cheyenne, and battling with preterm labor to keep AJ, they are the most precious things in my world. No matter how bad a day I'm having, a smile from one of them can change it all. Thier names are Cheyenne, Austin (AJ), and Sean. And I have one little angel named Timothy, he was taken from us before he ever breathed on his own, it was a terribly painful time in my life and that is why I started doing my charity work for preemies, to help other families going through the pain of premature birth.

I have a favorite sentence, it is my motto, Everything happens for a reason. I believe very much in these words, I know that it is hard to accept at times, but everything that happens does have a reason, just because we may not see it, does not mean it is not there. I have had some very painful things happen in my life, but the things I have lived through have shaped the person I am. I would not be the person I am today if I hadn't experienced the things I have.
This summer, I found a love that was nothing short of magical, and 9 days after his proposal (on my birthday), he was taken from the children and I in a car crash. We miss Jeff very much, and think about him often, but we all know that his being in our lives shaped us, as well as his death has shaped us. We are not who we were a year ago, and I think we are much better since Jeff came into our lives. The children and I have been shown how to love completely, and make another person a part of our family. Maybe someday we will have a chance to give that love to another special person.

I saw a message on a church sign once, Commit a random act of kindness today. I think this is a wonderful idea. If we all "commit a random act of kindness" won't the world be better to be in? So as a personal favor to me, go "commit" kindness. I am so thankful for the kindness that I have recieved from both friends and strangers in my life, I hope I have repaid that kindness in what I do for others.

I am, like the rest of my family, a big Star Wars fan. I am on the Rebel side, not the Imperial, like the rest though. My personal favorite is Han Solo. But, Anikan is a very close second. I LOVED episode 2! My kids love Darth Vader, but they get into episodes 1 & 2, too. They just keep asking why Darth Vader isn't in them.

I love music, anything from alternative, to techno to classical music. Beethoven is one of my favorites there (as you can tell if you recognise the music-it's the Fur Elise). I like anything with a good beat to it, the type just depends on my mood, but if you can dance to it, I like it.
I am also in the SCA. I am a relative newby to it, but I love doing it. It was an SCA medieval dance group in Pittsburgh where I met Jeff, I haven't been back since the accident, but I miss it so much, I guess I have to get over the pain someday, and I'll go back. I have a bit to much on my plate right now anyway, I have gone back to college full time so driving to Pittsburgh (I now live an hour and a half from the city) to dance is a little out of my league.

This is a gift from one of the Ladies in Ladies of the Heart (LOTH). It is special to me, as all of the ladies are. I like to belong to such a wonderful group, it's like having family all over the world.


Photo Albums
Wedding Album Photo Album

Our Wedding Story Cheyenne's Birth Story RSV, story and info Austin's Birth Story Timothy's Page

Our Children
Grow with Chey Grow with AJ Timothy's Page

My Breastfeeding Page HomeMade Dreams Care Wear
Webrings Page Links Page