Guillaume Bauche


Guillaume Bauché, known as Morency was born in Montmorency, a town in the northern suburbs of the French metropolis, Isle de France which is in the region of Seine-and-Oise  We read from the registers of baptisms and marital status in  the collegial of Montmorency (The church of Montmorency) ' that Guillaume, the son of Antoine Bauché  and Marguerite Guillebert was baptized on October 3, 1630.

In the same register the baptisms and marital status  other children of Antoine Bauché and Marguerite Guillebert are also Listed.  They are:


July 21, 1626


February 1,  1627


October 3,  1630


April 19,  1634


October 9,  1638


April 9, 1642


April 11 1645


Guillaume Bauché received a land grant on April 2, 1656 of three acres on the banks of the SAINT LAURENT river in the lisle of Orleans from Charles de Lauzon, knight lord of Charny. We have been able to conclude that Guillaume was in Canada for some time, probably for 36 months, this fact thus confirms, according to the habit of the time, that he arrived around1653.

On October 16, 1656, at Our-Lady of Quebec, Guillaume married fourteen year old Marie Paradis, born in 1642, in Mortagne France. This couple had thirteen children.

Rene Bauché, known as Without-Soucy, the young brother of Guillaume, also emigrates to New-France. He was married three times, and had 17 children.  However none of his descendants  perpetuated his name.

Guillaume Bauché died at the age of 57 on October 25, 1687, and was buried the following day at Sainte-Famille Island of Orleans. Marie Paradis died on December 15, 1708, and was also buried at Sainte-Famille Island of Orleans.

Source le Bauché dit Morency

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