DECEMBER 5, 1999

It's December already!! I can't believe this year is almost over... it's been fast and furious, but definitely rewarding.

This past week was a pretty normal one for me... I'm finally getting caught up at work which makes life so much easier. I had two huge suspenses to meet and I met them both. One was an involved project of getting our OJT records up-to-snuff for an inspection and the other was writing a two-page award package for Marc. I did well on both!! Now I'm getting ready for another inspection on the computer inventory... I'm almost done with it which means this coming week I should be able to start on my last big project of the year--the files. Now wasn't that an interesting account of my life at work... okay, enough of that then :-)

I think I'm going to hit the road this Friday and go see my Dad. I've decided to go "home" for Christmas this will be the only opportunity I get to deliver his present. I framed his oil painting portrait of himself from 1977. Turned out really good. In fact, I think I'll take a picture of it right now so that you can see it. Here it is...

Oh yeah, I bought a cell phone yesterday!!! Now I can play on my computer to my heart's content and not worry about missing a phone call. My Christmas present to myself :-) It will also make me feel safer when I take my road trips...

DECEMBER 19, 1999

I didn't make it to Pensacola last week. I suffered through a migraine instead :-( I guess it was my body's way of telling me to sloooooowwwwwwww down. I did, for the weekend anyway, but unfortunately, this past week has been a busy one. I had to play "war games" from Wednesday thru Saturday morning. It was definitely a new learning experience that created some stress but mostly exhaustion. I worked the night shift... 12+ hours a night.

I'm a little more rested today so I will hit the road to go see my mother. This will be our Christmas get together where we will open each other's gifts, eat ribs, and yack.

DECEMBER 31, 1999

This will be my last entry this century... it will also be a quick recap of what all transpired over the last two weeks as I didn't have time to write.

Let's see... 19 Dec: My Christmas visit with my mother went real well. She actually cried with happiness when she saw me carrying her new stationary bike up the stairs.

20-23 Dec: Nothing out of the ordinary except maybe my working all day by myself on the 20th. By 4:30 I was still smiling which meant I made it through the day with no major problems. That's progress :-)

24-29 Dec: I traveled to Kansas to spend Christmas with my son and his family. I stayed with my ex mother-in-law. Pretty cool that I can do that, huh? It was great seeing everyone again. I was even able to squeeze time in to visit with Althea too. She's my other adopted mother whom I met when I was 14. (See "my friend's page" for more details). We went to the casino and blew some money and then went and shot some pool.

On Monday, I took a side trip to Hays to meet up with John for the night. We decided to cool our relationship for awhile and just be friends. Long distance relationship are very hard and I was starting to get mad about STUPID stuff. So instead of ruining a good thing, we both agreed to back off and resume just being friends. It's a little depressing knowing that I have this real difficult time sustaining relationships, but I refuse to give this one up at the moment, so this is for the best.

Wednesday, Jonathan and I drove back home--straight through. 18 hours of driving!! I wanted to stop halfway, but he is a stubborn child and finally talked me into going all the way. In a way, I was glad because that meant that I could sleep in my very own bed again.

Thursday was catch up day and Friday I went to a New Year's Eve party at Marc's house. The highlight of the evening was when the clock struck midnight and the ball hit 2000, the lights went out. Scared the crap out of me. I thought that the Y2K bug actually bit; however, it was only Marc and his wife playing a joke on the rest of us :-) Great joke!! I'll remember it always.


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