To know me is to love me...
or to go insane :-)

My name is Carol. I'm 39 years old and happily divorced... again... My picture... I plan to put more here once I get a scanner, but until then here's one more for you.... It's a picture of me with my long hair a few months before I lost it all because of my cancer adventure. Can you guess what I'm doing? If not, here's the answer.

Let's see... what can I tell you about myself??

My favorite color is BLUE , yet I'm partial to PURPLE too.

My favorite food to eat is a big juicy steak and a loaded baked potato. Lots of calories, but sooooo delicious.

I love to go to movies especially the ones that make you cry.

My favorite authors are Sandra Brown and Sue Grafton.

And I love butterflies... In fact, I have a tatoo of one somewhere noone can see unless I choose for them to see it :-)

My favorite song is "Reflections of Passion". It's by Yanni. Click here to listen to it!!

I love to watch football and my favorite team is the Denver Broncos... They've been my favorite team since 1987 and I was sooooo happy that they finally won the Superbowl. GO BRONCOS!!!


I have moved around A LOT in my 39 years. Here's a chronological list that you can peruse. Moving around so much taught me to be more independent and more adventurous. The negative aspect of moving so much was that it was hard for me to make friends because just as soon as I would meet someone, we would be moving again. So most of the time, I didn't seek out friends because it was just too painful in the end. But through the years I did meet some great people and I somehow have kept in touch with them. Here are several of my closest friends. Another negative aspect of moving all the time is that it created this restlessness that consumes me once I'm in a one spot for more than 3 years. I long to find somewhere I can call home for the rest of my life and not move ever again. Maybe after I retire from the military??

Speaking of the military, I haven't really talked about my Air Force career. Joining the Air Force was the best decision I've ever made and one of the most important. It literally changed my life for the better. I like to think of the Air Force as my safe haven away from all the bad stuff that was happening to me at that point in my life. I won't go into those details because I'd rather keep those details buried where they should be. So come on and take a look at what the Air Force did for me.

I sometimes have this need to share some of my thoughts so I've decided to start an online personal journal where I will write when the urge or need strikes me. I usually write in a journal that I keep by my bedside, but I've locked it up with all my other journals I've kept throughout the years. So check it out and come back often to see what wild and crazy thoughts I might have shared with you :-) If you can't get to it then you'll have to ask me about it because I was probably in one of those moods where I didn't feel like sharing.

More details about me...


My desires:
1) To love and be loved unconditionally.
2) To experience euphoric happiness.
3) To achieve a higher level of self-satisfaction and self-esteem.
4) To enjoy and prosper in my solitude.

My dreams:
1) To buy and live full-time in a 5th wheel or travel trailer until I retire.
2) To find the perfect view and build my log home after I retire.
3) To find and travel with my soulmate and see and experience the world.

My passions:
1) My son
2) My family
3) My career

My hobbies and interests:
1) Playing on my computer
2) Watching movies
3) Reading a good novel
4) Hiking
5) Taking scenic drives
6) Dining in new restaurants
7) Flying kites
8) Taking walks on the beach

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