The International Order of Job's Daughters
Bethel No. 129, San Jose

Initation/Inspection-February 11, 2000

At our recent inspection by Deputy Grand Guardian Mrs. Kathy Silva, we initated one new member, Diana. All of the officers knew their work very well. As part of the presentation to Mrs. Silva, our new Deputy, the Guide and Marshal walked her around the room asking her questions about the Bethel daughters since she thought she knew us so well! Boy, was she surprised! Even the new initiate was in on the fun!

Enchilada Sale-April 28th - 30th, 2000

We will be having our world famous annual enchilada making weekend. Please contact any of the girls or adults on council to order your enchiladas. Don't miss out on the great food! This will help pay for Grand Bethel, so we can all go and celebrate with our new Grand Bethel Girl, Megan Silva.

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