Jeffrey's Story

Hello, people. My name is Jeffrey Jackson, and I would like to share my experience as a recovering cripple.

My handicap is addiction. Since I was a child, I never did anything half way, which is a perfect characteristic of an addictive nature. Being exposed to addiction as a life style by those who I loved and respected, you might think that I'd fall into addiction as if it was to be expected. That's not the way it went for me.

I've always been a dreamer and an artist, and although it's a strange combination, I'm also a realist. I've never been able to convince myself that something is all right when I know that it's wrong. Some may call it a gift, some may call it a curse, but I call it insight. I'm thirty-six years old, and it's taken this much of my life to come to the understanding that I can live in serenity.

I'm sure you have noticed how much things have changed form times past in technology, but how much have they changed in the nature of what people do to each other and to themselves? The only evil I've ever known is what people do to themselves and each other. The good I've known is what people do for themselves and each other and a Higher Poewr that looks over it all.

It's in our nature to stumble, to fall, to be fragmented, to be off track and out of line and sometimes dangerous to others, whether it's intentional or not. It's also in our nature to be sure, to be humble, to feel whole, to be compassionate, appreciative, understanding and honest.

Our character is understood by ourselves and others by our actions or inability to act at all. Fear is natural for self-preservation;fear is also evil's accomplice. To determine where we are involves self-awareness that no one else can accomplish for you. It's up to you and your relationship with your higher power.

Thank you,
