John & Lori Ann's Award Page

Every now and then we manage to get a visitor who really likes our pages and graces us with their award. Below are the awards and recognitions that we've received:

Survived the Heartland Review

Thank you, Heartland Review Committee (particularly Smom).


Pekes Award

Thanks to the Pekes and Sandi for their time and consideration in granting us this award. Hopefully there will be many to follow, but the first is always the best.


Coop's Award

Thanks to the Coopers for this award. Their award followed the Pekes by a day.

Cooper's Bear Award

Thanks to Grandma George (aka Susan) for this award. This one followed the Coopers by another day.

Humble Award

This was our first award of 1998. This one came from Neil and Kathy down under in Australia. Thanks and g'day!

Tate's Award

This award came from another Air Force family, the Tates at Misawa AB, Japan. Domo Arigato!

Originality Award

This one came from Jennifer and the Cyber Teddies. Thanks to her site I can now find the Blues Clues crew on the web, which will make my son a much happier camper.

Order of Merit Award

This one came from Paul Moade, a contractor with the US Army in Korea. For all you Southern history buffs out there, his site is a great one to visit.

Army Community Services Award

This one came from the folks at the Army Community Services office at Fort Huachuca in Arizona (also known as Fort Hoochicoo). They've got a lot of info for the military folks (mostly Army stuff) headed for and coming out of there.

Heartland Good Citizen Award

This one came from the Community Leader for my Geocities neighborhood, Lucinda. She seemed somewhat impressed by my efforts here.

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Thanks again to all who've visited and left their awards. If you have any ideas or comments on our pages, feel free to e-mail me. If you want to give us your award, DEFINITELY hit the mailbox.

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