Roger and Mary's Family Page !!

Welcome to our site. Here you will find pictures of our family and other assorted items.

Mary & older picture, but one of my favorites

These links will take you to the various pages of our site.

Ryan Taylor, born 11/5/02, 8lbs 4oz

Ryan Taylor, 1 day old

Added 06/23/02

Heather: Christmas 2001

Rachel: Christmas 2001

Heather and Rachel at RCH: 12/02

Molly Beagle: Summer 2002

Added 12/01

Rachel, newborn at Hospital

The Kilby Sisters

Mom and the girls

Heather and her Beagle

Christmas 2000

Added 4/28/00

Heather's summer fun...

Heather's 2nd birthday...

Heather with her Easter basket...

Heather's Easter dress...

Heather the Artist...

Hear Heather talk!... (Large file)

Hear more of Heather...(Small file)

Heather goes for a drive...

Heather's Halloween...

Heather Rides a Wild Pony...

Heather's First Flight...

Heather Ashley's Pages!

Our Beagle Page

Our Dog Page..Part 1

Our Dog page..Part 2

Our Cat page

Our Aviation Homepage

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