This picture is actually a toy from T. C. Timber they have lots of wonderul and educational toys, stop by and visit them!

Wecome to Noah's Ark Home School!

So, why name your school Noah's Ark? First and foremost, we wanted a name that people would immediately associate with the Lord. In all we do we want to glorify Him and having a familiar Bible Story as our name automatically lifts HIS name. Beyond that, of all the stories in the Bible, Noah's seem to fit our home the best. If you came for a visit you would very quickly be in agreement! In our cozy little ark, we have living with us, our dog, Lacey. Outside the house is our family bunny, Reese's Pieces. Inside, each child has their own little "zoo" shall we say?! Let's see, the count right now is: 1 guinea pigs, 2 turtles, 7 fire bellied toads, a green iguana, 3 leopard geckos, Breeze - a rat terrier dog and Nicole, formerly a Seeing Eye puppy who failed because of her hips (Seeing Eye needs puppies with perfect hips, but she is absolutely perfect as a pet). Oh, and we just got our 6th puppy to raise for The Seeing Eye foundation, Iliana, a beautiful female Golden Retriever! For more information on all of these, please visit the pages about each of the kids.

Well, do you agree now that Noah's Ark is a pretty good name for our school? Ya, we thought you would! *GRIN*

One of the advantages to home schooling for our family is that it allows the children to learn in their own style, in their own time frame. For more information about learning stlyes I recommend "The Way They Learn" by Cynthia Tobias. Our sons have some learning difficulites, while our daughter is academically gifted. While this may seem to pose a problem there are great resources available! May I suggest you start right here at this stie, I hope it will give you an understanding, or at least a start. The page is called, ADHD - A Visual Explanation. For places to find great resources, visit my links page

I'd like to return to the Welcome Page please.

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I'd like to extend my thanks, once again to: for the graphics!