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This family history by no means is suggested to be the pure facts of this family, but the facts as I know them. This information comes from many sources and many hours of research. Much of this comes from the Journals of Michael F Luark, James E Lewark of Houston Texas and Marlene McCowan of Montensano Washington, countless hours on the phone and many many letters to various family members. Even though I would like this information to be perfect, I know it's not. If anyone sees something they don't agree with please don't hesitate to e-mail me. I want to hear from everyone, good or bad.. With genealogy as it is this page can change without notice.

Due to James E Lewark's new book "Lewark/Luark Family 1750-1950" There are major changes to be made to this history.

The Luark History.

John Luark July 26 1774 - October 28 1866.

The Story starts somewhere in the early 1700s.Two Welsh brothers John and Joseph Llywarch landed somewhere off the coast of North Carolina. Joseph stayed in North Carolina and John set sail again landing somewhere near Wilmington Deleware.

There John met and possably married an Irish woman by the name of Mary Taylor. Before their son, whom they named John was born, John Llywarch set sail again and was never heard from again. I have information from ( *James E Lewark) of Houston Texas, about a John and Joseph Llywarch who may have been crew members of a **privateer. This information at this time has yet to be proven.

When John II was about twelve he and his mother set out looking for the brother Joseph, whom they never found. In the course of this searching Mary married a man by the name of Ricketts and lived out her life in North Carolina.

While in North Carolina John married Mary Hutton, a cousin of his mother. They had three children. John then married Catherine Varner. Her first marriage was to a man by the name of Henry Alderman. There were three children from this marriage as well.

*Jim Lewark has been researching the Luark/Lewark family for 50+ years. If you would like to contact Jim for information send me your land address and what information your seeking I'll pass it along to him.

**One of Jims sources told him about a crew list for a privateer in a Philidelphia Museum he seen some 40 years ago. I would like to know if anyone knows if there are any privateer list in existance, and if so where I might be able to find them.


Some of Johns children elected to spell their name Lewark.

Children of John Luark and Mary Hutton are.

  1. Elijah Lewark born Janruary, Guildford County, North Carolina died March 15 1884 Madison ounty, Indiana

  2. Joseph Lewark born February 1774 North Carolina. died March 22 1882 Abingdon, Virginia

  3. Elizabeth Lewark, I have nothing on her.


  1. Sybil born September 25 1802, died August 9 1803.

  2. Sally Luark born September 25 1802.

  3. John Luark born December 20 1805 , died 1882 Wabash, Indiana.

  4. Thomas Jefferson Luark born November 20 1807, died December 19 1862, Rushville, Indiana.

  5. Eli Luark born June 22 1810, died August 3 1830, Madison County, Indiana.

  6. Andrew Taylor Luark born July 14 1811 Virginia, died July 10 1860 Wabash, Indiana.

  7. Anna Luark born May 1 1813, died May 1 1873 Monongalia County, West Virginia.

  8. Patterson Fletcher Luark born December 16 1814, died April 17 1901.

  9. William Tankersley Luark born September 19 1816, died May 3 1879 Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

  10. Michael Fleenam Luark born July 14 1818 Washington County, Virginia, died Janruary 21 1901.

    The Luark/Lewark family has been in the United states for over two hundred years.

    I was taught by my mother she was the last of the line. In the past ten years I've gotten TONS of Luark/Lewark information. The Luark/Lewark family are not only in the U.S. but in Germany and Canada as well.

    I'm going to make a feeble attempt to add pictures to this webpage. It isn't very good but this is a picture of Catherine Varner/Luark, her daughter, granddaughter and grandson. From left to right is her grandaughter Sarah "Sally" V Luark/Black/McKinnion, Catherine Varner/Luark, Ruth Black/Giessee.

    The young child in the dress is her grandson, whose name I don't know. This photo was taken in Indiana probably in Rush County in the late 1850s.

    I took the photo to a person who had some expertise in old photos and he said this is the way they dressed boys until they were about five years old. I know this is a boy because I have a photo taken of John Luark (b.1774) with the same child and he is dressed in overalls.

    I will attempt to add other thing like pension files and things like that.

    If someone is intersted in getting copies, just e-mail me with your name and address and I'll send you one.

    Catherine Varner/Luark

    John Luark born 1774



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