These are just a few "Biker Rules" that were created by my biker husband.
Over the years the list has gotten longer.  The "rules" have gotten
more humorous, and in a crowd, they sure can make a person
wonder how any woman can live with such a twisted man.
Only WE know that secret...
#1.  Never question your Bikerman when he needs to Putt ALONE.
#2.  Never talk back to your Bikerman. (Not in public, anyway!)
#3.  Never wear his Harley shirts. (It makes funny looking bumps in them.)
#4.  Biker Men don't do laundry. (That's what Biker Woman are for.)
#5.  Biker Men don't do dishes. (That's what the dog is for, when the wife is away.)
#6.  Never question a "Hussey's" name on your Bikermans ICQ list. (That's what the "History" is for!) 
#7.  Having P.M.S?  See Biker Rule #1    
#8.  Chrome is like food, they have to have it.
#9.  Never question (bitch or complain) what was used to polish the chrome.
#10. When out on a Putt with your Bikerman and you run out of gas, guess who's pushing!? (If we do it right, we get a "gold star"!... "Good Bitch"!) 
#11. If you don't do a good job pushing, guess who walks home from the gas station!?... ("Bad Bitch!")
#12. If and when you come home with blisters on your feet from walking home from the gas station, don't complain....See Biker Rule #1
#13. If your Bikerwoman can still breath in her jeans, they aren't tight enough! 
#14. NEVER complain about being "bored" while Putting with your Bikerman... Remember Biker Rule #12 (That's if you're lucky enough to get dropped off at a gas station!) 
#15. Appearence doesn't always mean EVERYTHING.  As long as you have enought "T&A" showing, don't waste your Bikerman's time primping your hair and makeup, or he's off on his own. 
#16. Never complain about "Helmet Hair"...Chances are your Bikerman didn't vote for the Helmet Laws.
#17. Always *SMILE while "fetching" your bikerman and his "Bro's" a beer, smokes, or whatever else it is they want.
#18. Had a bad day with the kids, work, etc?  See Biker Rule #1
#19. You ARE his Queen  (Ol' Lady, Bitch, Woman,Wife, or whatever it is he's deemed you...)  He's said it once, don't expect him to repeat himself, they hate that!
#20. Always keep the fridge stocked with something COLD to drink for your Bikerman.  Regardless of the hour, guess who's going out to CircleK 
if it's not!
#21. Don't push your Bikerman when you need something done (oil change on your car, trash taken to the curb, lawn mowed, etc.) See Biker Rule #1 if and when you do push.
#22. All Biker magizines are OFF LIMITS.
#23. Never become "jealous" over his Biker magizines. He didn't buy them for all the pic's of good looking chicks in thongs and leather appearel, he buys them to see all the Scooters and chrome.
#24. NEVER forget that it's a special "privilege" being a part of our Bikermans life...there are plenty of other bitches out there.
#25. Always get permission from your Bikerman when you want any interior decorating changes done to your house. Unless your Bikerman has really poor eyesight, floral patterns, lacey curtains and doilies are unacceptable.
#26. Your Bikerman is always right.  If you have any dought, see Biker Rule #1
#26. When your Bikerman bitches that you smoke too much, don't try to compare each other's's a NO WIN situation!
#27. ALWAYS be sympathedic towards your Bikerman.  When he is over the age of 40 and the doctor explains the importance for a PROSTATE exam, tell him it must have been the worst experience of ANYONE'S  life, and that only being a woman and only having Childbirth to compare it too---you can only imagin how painful it was!
#28. The List is endless....You can figure them out! :P