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Sr. M. FeliciablankThis Family Page is the culmination of a body of work compiled by Sister M. Felicia, SSND. It is to her that this site is lovingly

blank gif We don't even want to admit how dusty this front page had become! Suffice to say, we are removing cobwebs and clutter even as we type!

We did have a long, interesting phone conversation with a new found cousin. Having 'googled' Wicka to see if the page was still listed (thank goodness - yes...) there was also a site for Dan Wicka, a photographer from LaCrosse. Well, that HAS to be a relative, right? And with the intrepid spirit of Sister Felicia for inspiration, we made a phone call! Dan said that his Grandfather was Valentine. HAH! Everyone knows Valentine was really Uncle Willy - who was married to Aunt Effie.

Dan sent a packet of photos, it's just a matter of getting them scanned and downloaded, so that everyone can appreciate them.

Shale, Mary Wicka Bambenek's great great grandson, was one of the babies we featured a while ago on this front page - extolling the wonders of the newest generation of Wickas. He started Kindergarten in August. We're almost afraid to look at the condition of the 'trees'... how many names are we missing?

Please, don't forget that this is, first and foremost, a Wicka Family website. We still need your family stories, photos, and email addresses! We are always in search of Wicka genealogy!

Looking for a cousin? How about just locating your own family tree? Type in the name and hit the search button. It will kick out a list linked to every mention of that name on this site. We'd appreciate any feedback on how this works for you. Happy hunting!

To navigate our site, just click your cursor on any of the picture frames to explore our Almanac.

Michael Wilson or Mary Lou Stone

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Entries dated from September, 1997 through October, 2000

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