Klaas Steffens Home Page

Hello friends; this version is renewed with pages on the Tuit-family and Steffens-family. I'm researching the Steffens- and Tuit-familyname and collecting as much as I can lay my hands on, like old pictures, newspaper-articles, birth-, death- and marriage adds, and so-on. Any information about my or your heritage is usuable. Should you come across anything on this family-names, please send or mail me a scan or copy.

Look and see at Family Steffens
Or other related families, like Family Tuit
Look for the latest update on my research at my Next Generation website

I'm living in a little town Steenwijk in the northern part of the Netherlands. I'm 55 years of age now and this is how I look today

Klaas Steffens 2001


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Klaas Steffens