Reference Books and Research Volunteers

If you have any material on Grand County that you would like to share with others please contact the county guide listed at the bottom of this page.  The people listed below have volunteered to do lookups.  Lookup requests should be limited to one name, or perhaps two if it is a married couple.  Please do not ask for "everybody with X surnames" or an entire family group.  Please ask them nicely and be patient, some volunteers have limited time to do lookups.


Research Volunteer


Elected and Appointed Officials of Grand County (1874 - 1991) Phil Wargo
Colorado Cemetery Inscriptions
  by Lela O. McQueary

Grand County only,  cemetery and dates only
Phil Wargo
She is willing to lookup county courthouse records in Hot Sulphur Springs Shawn Davis
He is willing to answer any questions on the early history of Grand county and some early family information Chuck Graves
He will research for anyone who feels they had ancesters at Andersonville Prison during the Civil War Kevin Frye

If you own a useful publication and are willing to do lookups for others, tell me.  However, if the publication is subject to copyrights (this is probably the case if it was published after 1921), I ask you to send me a note saying you are aware of copyright laws and are willing to abide by them in any lookups you do.  I can tell you some internet sites that give you some good information about copyright laws if you want them.


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Geocities provided for this free space.

USGenWeb's Official Policy on Lookups

gelb sternUSGenWeb will not tolerate any Copyright violations.  Information given will be minimal, for example if it is a cemetery lookup, the information will be the name of the cemetery and the dates on the headstone.  Please do not ask for hardcopies to be mailed, the volunteers have been asked not to comply with such requests.  Lookups can extend to searching the Copyrighted Material to determine if the material would be helpful to the requester in their research.  Should the Copyrighted Material prove useful, the volunteer can provide the Copyright holder's address and ordering information.  The USGenWeb Project will endeavor to get a WRITTEN statement from each copyright holder which stipulates which books may be used for lookups.
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