These are our TRUE HEROES...

Firemen, Police Officers, EMT's, Paramedics, Forest Rangers, & Men and Women who serve in our Military Forces, Present and Past. Thank you to all those who serve to keep us safe. As a former EMT, I have deep respect for those who give of themselves on a daily basis to serve the public. Often they get nothing but grief from those they choose to serve. Well, I for one, appreciate all they do for us. I hope you do too.

If you have a web site that you would like to see listed here...please email me and let me know!
Oh! and please feel free to visit my Independence Day page before you's open 24/7!! But be's graphic intense! And, I've added a POW/MIA page,
please visit and honor a fallen hero.

Clue 5
Congratulations ~ You Found Egg #5 & A Clue
"This little egg saw pictures of the beach."


The Thin Blue Line
The Line of Battle
In the Line of Duty
A Tribute to Fallen Officer Kevin Easter
Officer Down memorial page
Law Enforcement Memorial Directory

This is a must see site on the web... it will touch you.

How to add this link to your homepage

EMT-Instructor Sue's Site

Monthly EMS Magazine

Federal Emergency Management Agency/FEMA

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Paramedic & EMT-Intermediate: National Standard Curricula Revision Project

National Registry of EMT's

National Center for Emergency Medicine Site


Rainbows End

Angels in Blue

Online Merck Manual

Pharmaceutical Information

the wonderful graphics on this page courtesy of:

More links to come as time allows...