Murphy and Rene's Family

Michael, Rene, and Murphy

Last updated January 10, 2004

This page provides continually changing glimpses of our family.

Ship Queen Victoria (1843)
Casanova and Rohner Families Come to America (February 1847)

Joseph and Katherine Casanova Rohner in Louisiana (circa 1859)

Robert Pleasant Ballew in Civil War (early 1860s)

Daniel Augustus Hogan (circa 1870s)

Elizabeth Cox Hogan (circa 1880s)

Ballew family (1893)
Mlynska and Siedleczki family and Waszczuniuk family (circa 1890s)
Jacob and Martha Casanova (mid-1890s)

Robert and Nancy Ballew home (circa 1900)
Henry Andrew Hughes Family (1901)
Mary and Jan's wedding (May 1908)

Jan and Mary (circa 1910)
Introducing Lola Faye (1914)
Phillip and Mary (March 1915)

Leo, Margart, Marg, and Grandpa Joe (circa 1920)
Maria, Alice and Family (circa 1920)
Mary and Jan's family (circa 1924)
Jack and Doris on the farm (circa 1926)
Henry Estus and daughters (1928)

Introducing Pat (Mid 1930)
Lola Faye (1934)
Clara and family (1935, 1936, 1938)
Herbert and Alice (1936)
Alice and Lou (1938)
Lola Faye, Estulene, et al. (Thanksgiving 1938)
John, Joseph, Christian, Phillip, Dora, and Anna (Late-1930s)

Clara and family (1940s)
Jo Ann and Audrey (circa 1941)
Fred Sr. and Jessie's family (1943)
Introducing Claudette (1946)
James and Fred Jr. (1946)
Henry Estus and daughters (Late 1946)
Mickey and children (August 1948)

Mary (Circa 1950s)
Introducing Murphy (1951)
Introducing Kathy (1954)
Joseph and Harriet (circa 1955)
Introducing Rene' (Mid 1955)
Lola, Estulene, Sue, Anna Bette, and Grant (Christmas 1955)
Murphy, Kathy and friends (1956)

Buzzsaw (1960)
Claudette (1962)
Murphy and his Dad (Summer 1963)
Josie, Mickey, Wendi, and Mickey Ruth (March 1964)
Tornado (June 1966)
Pat at basic training (Early 1968)

Introducing Chris (Late 1971)
Introducing Jack (Late 1974)
Chris and Jack (Easter 1977)
Introducing Matthew (Mid-1977)
Introducing Paul (Mid-1978)
C3PO and Darth Vader (Halloween 1978)
Gerry, Katie, and Christy (December 1978)

Introducing Craig (Late 1980)
Introducing Michael (Early 1983)
Building the backyard playfort (April 1983)
Jack and Matthew (November 1984)
Introducing Cindy (April 1985)
Football in the backyard (January 1986)
Fishy water tower (March 1986)
Batman and Robin (Halloween 1989)

Michael and Paul (December 1990)
Matthew's graduation (June 1995)
Introducing Callie (December 1996)
Mr. Pratt and Murphy (October 1997)
Introducing Katherine Nicole (October 1997)
Matthew, Jack, Craig, and Chris (May 1998)
Steve and Noell (October 1998)
Murphy, Pat, Patti, and Stephen (June 1999)
Wendi and Jimmie's family portraits (October 1999)
Joel, Kayla, Jo Ann, and Murphy (December 1999)
Pat, Wendi and Jimmie (December 1999)
Murphy and Rene's family (Christmas 1999)

Jack and Laura (February 2000)
Walt Disney World (March 2000)
Alice (March 2000)
Murphy and Lavelle (October 2000)
Grant and Bonnie (October 2000)
Michael (May 2001)
Family reunion (August 2001)
Claire (September 2001)
Michael Graduates High School (May 2002)
Rene' and Murphy in Europe (July 2002)
Callie the Canine Tree Trimmer (3 minutes to download Real Video) (August 2002)
Murphy on Field Seminar (February 2003)
Michael's New Car (Early 2003)
Introducing Sophia JoAnn (Summer 2003)
Samuel's 2nd Birthday (August 2003)
Walt Disney World (October 2003)

Locating Relatives 
Making a CD-ROM or DVD family photo album
Murphy's spaghetti recipe

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