
(Please be patient, this page may take a while to load.. I like graphics!! Also, don't forget to visit Beth's pages, her door is always open! Thanks!)


Check back often, this page is updated as frequently as homework allows!!??

dog sleeping

Page last updated on June 27,1999!

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Click for Palmdale, California Forecast

Conditions at my spot in the desert

Mozart K299 Flute Concerto



Hey... It's still June, and I'm in here again changing things! WOW!!! Well summer is well on its way and I am having fun working on my web page, practicing my flute and piano... and working on my scrapbook! Unfortunately I haven't yet had time to do any drawing or painting... but.. I will!! I thought that first I would revamp my web pages.. and GUESS WHAT!!! Beth's pages have been updated also.. she has been quite busy..be sure and visit and see what she's been up to. I am updating this page and will soon be working on a page on dachshunds, as I have recenty gotten one, he is a large mini, or a small standard, a little over size for a mini. Red, long-hair, sable, and beautiful!! You will learn more about him when I get his page up! .


Out in the Fields With God
The little cares that fretted me,
I lost them yesterday
Among the fields above the sea,
Among the winds at play;
Among the lowing of the herds,
The rustling of the trees,
Among the singing of the birds,
The humming of the bees
The foolish fears of what may happen
I cast them all away
Among the clover-scented grass,
Among the new-mown hay;
Among the husking of the corn
Where drowsy poppies nod,
Where ill thoughts die and good are born,
Out in the fields with God.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning


Links to my other pages!

My Graphics pages and Elizabeth's Graphics pages!

New.. June 19, 1999..! My Gallery Page! Click on the paintbox.

HEY!! Totally new!! a Tropical fish page!! Just click on the fish!!

NEW!!! May 30,1998! a Cat Page...Soon to be joined by Beth's cat page! CAT PAGE

!NEW!! Paperdoll page for the kids!! Just click on the doll!

NEW!! My new Genealogy Page. May 16,1998. Just click on the tree to see my family names and see if yours is there too.


To get to Beth's part of our Homepage, just click on her door!!door

Short historys of composers!

These pages will contain mini biographys of composers, I will concentrate mainly on composers of flute or recorder music. I will try and be as factual as possible and include the titles of some of the music each has written. These pages will eventualy cover about 4-5 composers and will change from time to time. Just remember that I am not a history major and that these will be very brief and basic, but will be added to as time and research permits.



orch. picture

Some of my Favorite Links!

Some of my favorite music links!

Galway Page(Lots of Photos and info.)

Larry Krantz Home Page(A very inclusive flute page, lots of links and info.)

Some of my favorite graphic links!

Becky J's Lines

100,000 free-Cool Graphics

SheriBerry,s Graphics (Lots and lots of great graphics!)

I believe in faith in God, and in angels!

Faith and Felicity

I adopted these, there are links at the bottom of the page if you want one too.

elec. trainwheelchair mousetoy shelf

This section is dedicated to my good friend Stephen. Stephen is 13 years old and he was born with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus. This means that he is confined to a wheelchair and is mentally retarded. But Stephen doesn't let this stop him, he is one of the most cheerful and loving children that I have known. Of course, he has his moments, as every child does, but by and large he is a happy and well adjusted child, thanks to the loving care of his family. Stephen is presently attending school in a Special Ed. class, he is learning to recognize his name, socialize with his peers and live as independently as possible according to his abilities. There are many different degrees of mental retardation and also differing physical abilities as a result of this birth defect. If you would like to find out more about this birth defect you may find it HERE! or, HERE

E-mail me, let me know what you want to see on my site!!!

And remember this parting thought!!!

housework makes ugly

nice people have visited since Jan. 30, 1998!


These pages created and written by Linda and Elizabeth, and maintained by Linda.

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a boy


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