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Horse Council British Columbia

Special Events


The Liability of Coaching Seminar

HCBC is proud to host a seminar with speakers from the Centre for
Sport and Law who specialize in risk management, policy development and
the law as it relates to sport. That will deal with the Liability of
Coaching, topics covered will include waivers (to use or not to use?)
and other legal documents, negligence, risk management - facilities,
equipment, programs etc.

November 7th at the Sunrise Banquet and
Conference Centre 5640 188th Street (at Highway 10) Surrey.
8:30 am to 4:40 pm
Pre-registration $25.00 per person;
At the Door $35.00 per person.
Please register with HCBC 576-2722 payment by cash, cheque or VISA. This seminar is open to everyone.

  Christmas Flea Market Craft and Trade Show

Saturday December 12th 9:00am to 2:30pm
Abbotsford Ag-Rec Centre

Cost for tables ordered and prepaid through Horse Council BC by December 1st :
Contact Horse Council to Book your table!!

Horse Council BC members
Horse Council BC Corporate Members
Non Members
Additional tables
All tables paid for at the door
$ 20.00 (including clubs and affiliates)
$ 20.00
$ 25.00
$ 15.00
$ 27.00

Admission is FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris Irwin is coming to BC! Whispering Demystified. The New York Times
best seller the Horse Whisperer brought to the for front the concept of
a human communicating silently with horses. More recently the term
"non-resistance training" has been used to describe this approach to
working with horses. Chris Irwin will be at HCBC's Christmas Flea
Market and Trade Show on December 12th at the Abbotsford Ag-Rec Center.
Come out and meet him and listen to his views of training and
developing working partnerships with horses. Chris bases his concepts
about horse training on herd dynamics and how body language enables the
horse and human to interact in a mutually beneficial manner. Admission is Free!

