Foster animals are animals which your looking after for a larger group, such as a SPCA or Humane Society. Rescue animals are strays, unwanted pets, etc. which you as an individual, or a non-profit organization, have taken in to look after and find homes for (or stories of animals you rescues and adopted yourself).
Breed Rescues Breed rescue groups for various breeds of cats. Most in the USA, some Canadian or international.
Other, are links that didn't fit in, but are helpful to animals lovers.
Shelter and Foster animals
Stray Singapore cats keep up-to-date on the latest happening with these wonderful cats who are in foster care, some are being sent to the USA and CANADA to be saved, if you don't know whats happening to cats in Singapore please visit and find out!! for general news abouts all the Singapore cats. THE SARNIA & DISTRICT SPCA (Sarnia, Ontario) FAX: (519) 344-6476 AYLMER SPCA P.O. Box 157 Aylmer, PQ, J9H 5E5 TEL: (819) 684-4758 SPCA DE L'OUTAOUAIS C.P. 83001 Gatineau, PQ, J8T 6H6 TEL: (819) 243-2004 Cats In Canada List of Humane Societies, SPCAs and Rescue Groups in Canada, as well as lots of other information Add yours
The Siamese Rescue Alliance!! These people are wonderful and do lots of great work!! They have helped in the past with some siamese cats and currently are helping one of the rescue cats. Excelent people, can't say enough good things about them, consider helping them out or adoption a siamese (or related breed) from them. Exspecialy if We aren't in your area of no siamese kitties here are looking for a home.
Group that rescues Main Coon cats, located in the USA. "The Maine Coon Alliance Rescue Network (MCARN) is a group of cat lovers that helps place "unwanted" cats with new owners and attempts to
provide transportation to their new home. The Network was established in January, 2000."
Uninted Main Coon Cat Association AKA Main Coon Rescue League, another group that rescues Main Coon cats, located in the USA.
Maine Coon Rescue League
P.O. Box 186
East Greenwich, RI 02818
"The Bengal Rescue Network is an organization formed by volunteers. All of its members are active
Bengal cat enthusiasts who truly care about these cats' well being and happiness. Many of our volunteers show and breed Bengals and hope to ensure that NONE of these cats roam the streets, go hungry, sleep in the cold, lack affection or end up facing an uncertain future in a shelter or humane society."
Siamese Rescue we don't have a web site Rescue
Siamese P.O. Box 2992 Winnipeg, Mb. R3C 4B5 Phone:204-477-5744. We are a no kill shelter, we mostly deal with Siamese, dsh [Domestic short hairs], siamese crosses, birmans, balinese, javanese, snowshoes & himalayans. We have older cats and kittens. Some cats have been with us for 2 years. We are a volunteer run organization. No funding for the city, mostly rely on doantions, or we give from our own pockets. We get the cats from the public, but mostly they come from the Winnipeg Humane Society, where some of us work too. Connie ChabanRagdoll Rescue The mission is quite simple... to find good loving homes for these beautiful felines. A breed rescue volunteer (we are in need of volunteers) normally takes the pet in, evaluates it for adaptability, provides any necessary veterinary care, spays or neuters the pet, and either places it with a family on the waiting list, or places it in a foster home until adoption.