Post Abortion Syndrome

What is it? . . .

Post-Abortion Syndrome (PAS) is a term that has been used to describe the emotional and psychological consequences of abortion. Whenever we go through a traumatic experience, without the opportunity to process the experience emotionally, we can expect a delayed negative reaction.

We live in a society that ignores the painful consequences of abortion. Men and women who have experienced it are urged into denial, so they do not talk about and process the normal feelings of anxiety, fear, shame, guilt and grief which often follow the abortion. When such emotions are denied and buried, they will often resurface having been magnified by time.

To cope with the emotional pain that accompanies abortion, the woman may develop a set of defense mechanisms to justify her decision. The following symptoms may not appear at the same time, nor is any woman likely to experience the entire list. Some may occur immediately after an abortion, and others may take months or even years to surface - guilt, anger, anxiety, broken relationships, depression and sense of loss, psychological "numbing", suicide. Other psychological problems which may develop include re-experiencing the abortion, survival guilt, development of eating disorders, and alcohol and drug abuse, sleep problems include nightmares.

Teenagers who have abortions are especially vulnerable to PAS because they are at a critical developmental period of their life.

Here are some links to help you understand and get help for PAS:

Post Abortion Healing Help

Post Abortion Help

Ramah International

If you are suffering from PAS, please get help. Crises Pregnancy Centers have counselors who can help you. You don't have to suffer alone.