Brianna's Page


Every morning I think of you
Your little grunts and groans,
Oh how I wish to have you here
With Daddy and I at home

Your bath was a happy time
And I'd love to dress you up
And try and get your bib put on
Before you would spit up

Morning turns into afternoon
Your laughter and your smile
And still I miss you more each day
But you are with me all the while

All the things we'd do together
Time cannot erase
Playing, shopping and strolling
With the sun beating on your face

The music I would play for you
And dance around the floor
The books we used to read and sing
Will never be any more

As the day turns into night
And I hold you in my arm
I'd tell you how much I love you
And shield you from all harm

Your eyes would get heavy now
And your belly is satisfied
But as soon as we would reach your room
All at once you are wide eyed

You'd smile at your mobile
And I'd put on your TV
The lullabies would softy play
As you'd drift off to sleep

Daddy and I were very proud
To have you for our own
We'd look at you and your pictures
And were amazed at how much you'd grown

All we have now are your memories
Of all the days gone by
We miss you every minute
And forever we will cry

Our lives are changed forever
And our happy days are few
You'll remain always in our hearts
Till we can be with you

February 2, 1999

Brianna's Story

I Love You - Mommy!

Family Pictures


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~Cause No Matter What We Are Still Moms~