Old Enough to Remember When

Hi I'm Sherie, and My Kids Tell Me That I Am As Old As Dirt!

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Are You Old Enough to Remember When..

..all pop came in bottles and you got your deposit back.

..you could take a quarter to the store and buy bottle of pop, with the deposit, and a small bag of peanuts and still get change..

..when you pulled the tab off a beer can, you still had the ring on your finger..

..cars had no air-conditioning. In my family, we called car air-conditioning 4-65. That is, we rolled down 4 windows and drove 65 miles an hour..

..there was"free air", and "water", at all service stations..

..all service stations were full service. They would always check your oil and water, and of course, clean your windshield..

..there were S & H Green Stamps and Blue Chip Stamps. You got them free with your purchases at grocery stores and gas stations..

..a child could go to the market and buy his/her mom a pack of cigarettes.. (Though this was a good change)..

..music was on vinyl records, some albums were on 45 rpm and some albums were on 78 rpm.. (You remember"vinyl", those round discs that would scratch it you looked at them cross-eyed)..

..there was one light on top of police cars, (RED) and the headlights did not flash in unison in the rearview mirror..

..there was only AM on the radio..

.. most everyone took the bus to town..

..you could go to town and see a live Jan & Dean concert for $3.00..

..gas was .26 cents a gallon for 'LEADED' regular and ethyl was way too high at.30 cents a gallon..

..Typing Class was noisy..

..girls had big hair..

..you only had GM, Ford, Chevrolet and Chrysler making cars in the United States..

..and fish were not the only things with 'fins'..

..most of the change in your pocket was pure silver..

..no one had ever heard of Bankruptcy, Divorce or CD Players..

..football helmets came without face masks..

..the Network News was only 15 minutes long..

..motor oil came in ROUND metal containers and required an oil spout to open and pour..

..you could pump your own oil from 55 gallon drums and would cost less because it was considered bulk..(Thanks John)

..toothpaste came in metal tubes..(Children still leave it stuck to the side of the bathroom sink, squeeze it from the middle, and leave the cap off)..

..you would go to the picture show every week for your weekly installment of that weeks "cliffhanger"..

..Cracker Jacks had a decent and unusual prize in it.(And in my opinion, there were more peanuts in a box then)..

..the only sideburns you saw were on the pictures of dead presidents. (Then along came Elvis!!)..

..every one you knew had a Smallpox scar..

..you believed everything the Government said.(The more things change, the more they stay the same)..

..every house had a tall outside TV antennae..

..when"GAY" meant "HAPPY"..

..you could call your Doctor and he would come to your house, (in the same day), and at a fraction of the cost of an office visit today..

..men would put on a suit and wore a hat, and not just for an office job..

..ladies wore party dresses and petticoats..

..teenage girls wore poodle skirts and sweaters.. (Thanks John)

..teenage boys wore crew cuts and letter sweaters..

..ladies wore gloves and 'pillbox' hats.. (Thanks Mary)

..the only place you could find a pair of sneakers was in physical education class..

..Atomic War was a real everyday thought. (Now we worry about dismantling the nukes in other countries and how many they have)..

..men carried metal lunch boxes to work, the sandwich was probably on homemade bread..

..color had to be added to margarine to make it look like butter, of course, this was done at home.. (Thanks Jeanne)

..the only way to have fresh butter was to churn it yourself.. (Thanks Jeanne)

..ice cream was made by youngsters with an ice cream crank on the back porch..

..you went to the chicken coop to look for dinner..

..and to a berry patch for dessert..

Old Enough to Remember the Time Before Computers..

..A computer was something on TV from a science fiction show, the most famous fictional computer, was on the bridge of "Enterprise".

..A window was something you hated to clean.

..And ram was the daddy of a goat.

..Meg was the name of a girlfriend and gig was a job for the nights. Now, Meg Bytes and Gig has a memory.

..An application was for employment to get a job, probably at the fast food joint up the street.

..a program was your favorite TV show, or maybe your favorite radio program, mine was "My Mother the Car" and "The Shadow".

..a cursor was some one who used profanity, My Grandfather was in the Navy, need I say more?!?

..a keyboard was located on a piano.

..Memory was something that you lost with age or your children, you know "Selective Memory".

..a CD was a bank account, today's CD's is the only way I found I could afford one.

..Compress was something you put on your ankle if you sprained it, it was not something you did to a file, if you did, you probably would have got fired.

..if you unzipped anything in public you'd be in jail for quite a while.

..Log on was adding wood to the fire, either for cooking or for heat.

..hard drive was a long road trip, still is...just ask any cross country trucker.

..a mouse pad was where a mouse lived, probably had little posters hanging on the walls, beaded room dividers, and a little lava lamp..

..and a backup happened to your commode, sink, and shower, usually when you are late for an appointment.

..Cut you did with a pocket knife..

..paste you did with glue..

..a web was a spider's home..

..and a virus was the flu..

..I guess I'll stick to pad and paper..

..and the memory in my head..

..I hear nobody's been killed in a computer crash..

..but when it happens they wish they were dead!!

~ Author Unknown ~

....Do You Remember The Time Before Video Games....

..the family actually talked together..

..Children could read words other than "extra life" or "game over"..

..Board Games were popular, like "Monopoly" or "Chess", you learned how to handle money and the strategy of war..

..Your children were part of the family, not just a part of the furniture..

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Please come back soon and visit me, this site is always under construction..If you have any childhood memories that you would like to see on the page, PLEASE, E-Mail me at: munchkins_cat@webtv.net I will, of course, add your name to the footnotes.

The description of my page is:
The Nostalgic View of the Past
Are You Old Enough to Remember
A Tribute to a Simpler Time.

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