Hello. Thanks for signing!

11/14/99 15:15:15
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook

03/06/99 03:08:02
Name: Ruth My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: Old enough Today's date: 3/5/99 Where are you from: Upsate NY
How did you get here: I clicked on your site in another Girl Scout guestbook Your favorite type of ice cream: Mint Chocolate Chip or Moose Tracks

It's nice to see such a large and active group of older girls! I like how you have the pictures of then and now. Please stop in to visit us at our site. We are a new Cadette Troop.

01/26/99 01:26:28
Name: ruth dorr Age: Adult leader, and I'm not telling ! (ha, ha)
Today's date: 1/25/99 Where are you from: Madison, OH How did you get here: Just surfing for Girl Scout sites.
Your favorite type of ice cream: mint chip

I am a Cadetete troop leader, my girls are all freshman in high school here in Madison, OH. Perhaps I'll come back after checking with my girls. They might like to say hello and get acquainted! Soundslike your troop is more active than ours, we are only 5 girls and 2 leaders. We started out with 16 as Brownies but have dwindled as the years go by due to so many other options for girls, such as sports, etc. Thereis only time for so much you know. Keep up the good work, have a great year !

10/17/98 17:21:06
Name: Faith Hale My Email: Email Me
Age: 34 Today's date: October 17, 1998 Where are you from: Crossville, Tennessee
How did you get here: linked in Your favorite site on the web, other than yours: I like a lot of them Your favorite type of ice cream: chocolate chip

I am a Girl Scout leader of 6 years and would love to hear from other leaders all over the US and world. Please Email me.

10/04/98 21:00:23
Name: Bad Bunny My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

09/19/98 18:48:07
Name: Khaled My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Today's date: 9/19/1998 Where are you from: Lebanon How did you get here: www.therail.com
Your favorite type of ice cream: Rainbow Sherbet

Nice. I really liked it. I'll be back again to check this out.

07/22/98 14:52:22
Name: Haynes My Email: Email Me Today's date: 7-22-1998
Where are you from: Raleigh, N.C. How did you get here: Webring Your favorite type of ice cream: Edy's Girl Scout Thin mint

Do you have Girl Scout Thin Mint Ice cream where you live?

07/21/98 23:54:46
Name: Debbie Reed My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 40 Today's date: 7-21-98 Where are you from: St.Cloud,MN
How did you get here: saw you on another site Your favorite type of ice cream: vanilla/chocolate

Neat website!!

07/19/98 16:37:02
Name: Lindsay Charlton My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 13 Today's date: 7-19-98 Where are you from: Daphne, AL
How did you get here: search engine Your favorite site on the web, other than yours: backstreet boys! Your favorite type of ice cream: bubblegum


07/17/98 13:49:29
Name: Jenn My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 12 Today's date: have no idea Where are you from: Pennsylvania
How did you get here: Through another site Your favorite site on the web, other than yours: http://www.mtv.com Your favorite type of ice cream: mint chocolate

I think your page is very good even though I'm not a big fan of girl scouts. But, it seems you put a lot of work into your site and troop. Very good job.

05/25/98 15:30:27
Name: Dee Covey My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: over the hill a couple of times Today's date: 5 24 98 Where are you from: West Virgina Eastern Panhandle
How did you get here: WAGGGS-L Your favorite site on the web, other than yours: WAGGGS Your favorite type of ice cream: Girl Scout Mint

You have a great site. I just love your pictures. I'm very new at this and I thought I already filled this out. Guess not. You will love your visit to the World Centers. I have made it to all four . I just returned from Sangam and brought some program activities. If you would like to try them I'll send y u a copy. It will give you a little taste of India.

05/18/98 02:29:32
Name: Lauren My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 14 Today's date: May 17, 1998 Where are you from: Texas; San Jacinto Council
How did you get here: I don't remember! (I have had your sit ein my Favorites for a long time! Your favorite site on the web, other than yours: GSUSA Your favorite type of ice cream: Vanilla

Neat site! I love the promise crawl-line. Keep up the good work!

05/02/98 02:04:39
Name: Samantha My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Today's date: 5/1/98 Where are you from: Illinois, USA How did you get here: On the internet. haha. Kids Rail :)
Your favorite site on the web, other than yours: ToonaCat.com Your favorite type of ice cream: Chocolate

Hi Tilly, I have a cat too. My cats name is Patches. Stop by and see her. I think your owner did a great job on the homepage. I like it.

04/26/98 19:31:03
Name: evelyn My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 10 Today's date: april 26 Where are you from: canada ns
How did you get here: toona cat club Your favorite site on the web, other than yours: yahoo Your favorite type of ice cream: choclate

hi how are you

04/16/98 01:00:53
Name: Nicola My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 10 Today's date: 15.4.98 Where are you from: Buckie Scotland
How did you get here: Web ring Your favorite type of ice cream: Chocolate mint chip

I would love to swap patches with anyone.

03/17/98 13:38:40
Name: Elina Aletrari My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 14 Today's date: 17/03/98 Where are you from: Cyprus
Your favorite site on the web, other than yours: ALL Your favorite type of ice cream: Vanilla


03/12/98 19:05:18
Name: dawn My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Today's date: March 13, 1998 Where are you from: New York How did you get here: surfing
Your favorite site on the web, other than yours: girlscouts

Great page. Looking for infor. on keeping Jr. to bridge to Cadettes.

03/03/98 14:30:25
Name: Amanda My URL: Visit Me Age: 13
Today's date: March 3 1998 Where are you from: Franklin, pa How did you get here: From Lycos
Your favorite site on the web, other than yours: www.beaniebabies.com Your favorite type of ice cream: vanilla with lots of chocolate sauce


02/23/98 01:47:09
Name: Karen Pline My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 39 Today's date: 2/22/98 Where are you from: Marietta, GA
How did you get here: Tejas council web pg Your favorite site on the web, other than yours: Yahoo's stock quotes Your favorite type of ice cream: Coffee Toffee


02/20/98 14:47:07
Name: Mrs. Pilibosian My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 40 Today's date: 2-20-98 Where are you from: Holly , Michigan
How did you get here: Looking for craft ideas Your favorite site on the web, other than yours: any type of craft one? Your favorite type of ice cream: Chocolate


01/15/98 19:28:44
Name: Pat Mahon My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: adult Today's date: Jan.25/98 Where are you from: Dunca, B.C. Canada
How did you get here: just surfed on Your favorite site on the web, other than yours: www.bc-girlguides.org


01/10/98 19:38:48
Name: Emily My URL: Visit Me Age: 10
Today's date: 01/10/98 Where are you from: Washington How did you get here: Girl Scout Page
Your favorite site on the web, other than yours: Girl Scout Page Your favorite type of ice cream: Vannilla

It is really cool that you can make up your own page

01/07/98 05:54:18
Name: Karen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 37 Today's date: 1/6/98 Where are you from: Clark, NJ
How did you get here: I am trading patches through your E-mail site. Your favorite site on the web, other than yours: not sure yet. You have a very interesting one. Your favorite type of ice cream: chocolate brownie

Keep up the great work. You do many cool things. Need info about Pax Lodge? I can help. We will be visiting Our Chalet in July of 99.

12/26/97 23:18:51
Name: Fern Hamlin My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Today's date: 12/26/97
Where are you from: South Bend, Indiana How did you get here: from another troop homepage

My Cadette troop 61 has been working on the new Exploring the Net IPP, though we don't have a homepage yet. Enjoyed reading about your troop, though I was a bit confused by the "form" you had on it -- how that differs from signing the guestbook?

12/19/97 17:42:40
Name: Supermarky de Sage My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 39 Today's date: 12/19/97 Where are you from: L.A.
How did you get here: webring Your favorite site on the web, other than yours: Mr. Lunch Your favorite type of ice cream: peppermint stick

I have stories on the Boy Scouts that top yours. When I was in the Boy Scouts, we went on a camping trip that turned out really to be a stay in a cabin at Camp Baiting Hollow out east on the north shore of Long Island. It used to be an army training base in World War I. Anyway, it was a Friday to Sunday trip. We stayed in bunks. Most of the time was spent doing this paramilitary Boy Scout stuff, as well as learning the usual stuff about knots and first aid. On Saturday evening we were scheduled to go on a long hike down the beach on Long Island Sound, and the Scoutmaster (troop leader) was gonna tell ghost stories around a campfire. That sounded like fun. So that evening we sat in our bunk rooms waiting and waiting for the hike, which never took place. Instead, the Scoutmaster herded us all into the mess room. One of the scouts, strangely, was already there, standing on the table and in civilian clothes. (The rest of us had to wear that annoying uniform the whole damn weekend.) He had tears running down his face. So we all sat at the long tables looking up at this poor kid for about 25 minutes. Finally the scoutmaster came in. He says, "Listen closely, you kids. This boy is a germ. He's a germ. I don't want any of you kids turning out like him." Then he went into this long rant about how morally corrupt this kid was. I never did find out what exactly this boy had done. Probably masturbation or something. He couldn't have been more than about 13 years old. I was 11, and sort of a late bloomer anyway, so I was just mystified by the whole deal. We never did get our hike on the beach and ghost story around the campfire. It soured the whole weekend. Several years later, the same kid became one of those drugged out high school losers. That's the first story. Here's the second. We used to pay lots dues all the time (from which we never saw any benefit), had to buy the uniform and all the gear and everything, and were always having inspections. The only kids that got promoted were the scoutmaster's and assistant scoutmaster's kids and their close friends. The scoutmaster did, however, manage to buy himself a big swimming pool in his backyard, which was around the block from where I lived. The troop always had Christmas candy sales campaigns, and we would go from door to door trying to sell this Christmas Boy Scout candy. I think every Boy and Cub Scout on Long Island was doing the same thing. The scoutmaster decided that in order to go to the annual Scout Xmas Party, you had to sell one case (12 boxes) of candy. I think I was able to do it, but my brother Todd, a Cub Scout, couldn't. (The same scoutmaster also run the Cub Scout troop.) Most kids couldn't, of course, so their parents and relatives would buy the remainder so their kids could attend the Xmas Party. My father thought that was unfair and contrary to the spirit of Xmas, and didn't feel like shelling out the extra bucks. We weren't poor or lacking or anything, but my father was a cop and wasn't making tons of money yet. That came later with seniority and a promotion. So Dad and I got in the car to go around the block and talk to Mr Caroleo, the scoutmaster. I stayed in the car while he went up to Mr Caroleo's house. Mr Caroleo let him inside. After about five minutes I heard shouting from the house. Mr Caroleo was calling my father a big baby for not wanting to buy Todd's remaining boxes of candy and get him into the Party. My father yelled back that he was spoiling Xmas and ruining the whole meaning of it for kids. Mr Caroleo followed my father out of the house down the driveway yelling at him. My father got in the car and drove away, saying that maybe we'd find a better Boy Scout troop somewhere nearby. But that was the end of my Scout career. I never liked that macho paramilitary stuff (uniform inspections, taking orders, drilling, Scout oaths, phony Indian lore that disguised traditions of imperialism and genocide) anyway -- I wasn't a sissy in the usual effeminate sense but I was pretty soft. I did like nature and camping, but I didn't get much of that in the Boy Scouts anyway. I did do a little of that stuff on my own eventually. > >Supermarky de Sage >supermarky@loop.com > >Please visit: Supermarky's Ultramagnificent Megawebsite of Hyperwonder * >Allright! Allready! > >http://www.loop.com/~supermarky > > >

11/20/97 02:01:21
Name: Billie
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Ooops! Sorry, I gave you the wrong URL.

11/20/97 01:58:34
Name: Billie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 42 Today's date: 11/19/97 Where are you from: San Diego, CA
How did you get here: my guestbook Your favorite site on the web, other than yours: any food related! Your favorite type of ice cream: Chocolate Chip

Very nice page. Thanks for stopping by, I should be updating again soon. I sent you our Council patch, please let me know when you receive it. Take care, you all sound like a wonderful bunch of girls. ~~Billie

11/17/97 03:50:52
Name: 1st Port Hardy Girl Guides My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: +30/girls are 9-12 Today's date: Nov. 17th, 97 Where are you from: Port Hardy, BC, Canada
How did you get here: from our guestbook Your favorite site on the web, other than yours: Girls Planet Your favorite type of ice cream: Neopolitan

Thanks for visiting us, you have a great looking and informative site. Maybe one day we can all meet in person!! Sincerely, 1st Port Hardy Girl Guides of Canada

11/15/97 22:32:16
Name: Laurie Ather My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 37 Today's date: Nov. 15, 1997 Where are you from: Reisterstown, MD, USA
Your favorite site on the web, other than yours: Too many! Your favorite type of ice cream: Rocky Road

What a great site! Lots of user friendly pages! I also like sites where we get to 'meet' the girls. Still have to do that on mine.....

11/10/97 15:26:58
Name: Peggye Beeman My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 39 Today's date: November 10, 1997 Where are you from: Wylie, Texas (Dallas area)
How did you get here: sister-in-law advised site Your favorite type of ice cream: butter pecan


11/10/97 04:46:15
Name: Susan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: adult Today's date: 11-09-97 Where are you from: Hood River
How did you get here: Scout-village Your favorite site on the web, other than yours: Scout-village Your favorite type of ice cream: Cappucino or Chocolate

You have a neat web page. My troop is going to try to create their own web page later in the year. The girls are still trying to decide what they would like on it and then we are also researching where to start to make one. Best of luck to your troop t is year. Columbia River Girl Scout Council Junior Girls Scout Troop 789

11/07/97 04:45:24
Name: Linda Lamka My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 45 Today's date: 110697 Where are you from: Pevely, Missouri
How did you get here: Scout Village Your favorite site on the web, other than yours: Graphmaster Your favorite type of ice cream: Choc chip cookie dough


10/24/97 19:52:56
Name: Jade Strain My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Today's date: 10/24/97 Where are you from: Moore, OK (Sooner Council) How did you get here: surfed on in
Your favorite type of ice cream: strawberry


09/27/97 20:19:49
Name: CDRB
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

We see in «Geocities Birthday`s Page» your Home Page. So I think Today it´s your birthday.

Best Wishes to you !

Founded in OCTOBER 18, 1938
Fax 091-957037

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