Smyth Irish Setters TM
Irish Setter Puppies Kennel

Quality Purebred AKC Hunting Bird Dog Breeder

Irish Setter puppies for sale from our Wisconsin Kennel

The World Famous Smyth Irish Setters Dog Sled Team
While you can't dog sled in Florida, you can in Wisconsin ...

Smyth Bird Dog Kennels

We will ship our Irish Setters nation wide and to Canada Pa

© Copyright 1997 Smyth Irish Setters Kennel
No part of this site may be reproduced without written permission from us.

Picture of Our New Irish Setter Puppies.
Our Hunting or Field Dog Line.

our Irish Setter puppies for sale
Finding mild temperament Irish Setter Puppies for sale
like these can be a daunting task.

Our New Irish Setter Puppies are Here! See our puppy page.

Our New Irish Setter puppies are here. For further information email us. We are often out working with our dogs so please leave us a message on our answering machine.


New Litter Arrived |Our Irish Setter Puppies Announcement | Winter pups are here
|Smyth Irish Setters Pictures Page |
|Smyth Irish Setters Dog Sledding Team |
|Our Irish Setter's Pedigrees |

Irish Setter puppy for sale

Welcome to Smyth Irish Setters Home Page. We are breeders of a fine line of hunting dogs. On our site you will see pictures of our bird dogs and their puppies.

Smyth is the Name in Hunting and Show Dogs That you can Trust

Our family has been breeding Irish Setters for the public for over three decades. We have searched the world over and went through considerable expense to find the finest line of hunting dogs the line has to offer. The Smyth Setter is top dog in the line of Setters, offering quality and style.

Our Irish Setter puppies are AKC registered pets, they are very mellow in temperament.
Our Irish Setters are easily trained and make good family pets. Smyth Setters are from a line of large, dark, dual champions which we imported from Great Britten a number of years ago. Our purebred Setters are excellent hunting dogs. Since our line of Irish Setters are the hunting variety. We imported our original stock from Britten because we could not find any Irish Setter Puppies for sale in this country that were the classic old fashioned bird dogs of times past. At that time finding a good hunting Irish Setters for sale was quite difficult, they were very hard to find. There were a number of mixed breeds around in the United States, like the Irish Red Setter, which is a crossbreed between English Setters and Irish Setters. But we did not want these cross bred dogs, we wanted a purebred Irish Setter puppy.

We place our Irish Setter puppies with families across the country. Our puppies have been shipped from New York to California, Texas to Minnesota. One year a family drove from Chicago, Illinois to our kennel Christmas eve to pick out their Christmas puppy.

We have Irish Setter Puppies of Various Ages Available at Various Times

The Irish Setter is a pointer, known for its hunting and retrieving abilities. The Irish Setter make excellent hunting companions. There are three basic types or groups of Setters, they are the Irish Red Setter, the Irish Red and White Setter, and the Irish Setter. Our Line is the deep mahogany red variety with solid pedigrees.

© copyright - Our IrishSetters picture.
Sale or reproduction of this photo prohibited
We had a difficult time finding good hunting Irish Setters for sale when we started our kennel.

Our hunting dog grouse hunting.

Finding Old Fashioned Hunting Field Irish Setter Puppies for Sale can be Difficult

Picture of Irish Setter puppies for sale.
Picture of our dame and pups

Call us for more information on our hunting and show dog lines. For more pictures of our dogs view the other three pages on this site, especially our photo page listed at the top of the page. Our male Irish Setters are very mellow and make good pets as well as good bird dogs for hunting. Our dogs like to hunt partridge, quail, pheasants, ducks, and geese.

Irish Setter Dam & Sir parents of our Irish Setter puppies for
Bonzo and George

We can be reached at
Contact Smyth Kennels - Click Here

Letters From Happy Owners

From Nancy of Lake George, New York - July 14, 2006

I wanted to let you know how much we love Princess -- the puppy you shipped to us last summer in Lake George, New York -- we picked her up in Boston, Massachusetts. Her name is now Katie Scarlett O'Hara and she is just a wonderful, wonderful friend and companion to my parents Bob and Jean. You were absolutely correct about her disposition and her eyes -- that seem to look right into your soul. She is a beautiful animal, but the most wonderful thing about her is her temperament. She is a loving, happy and fun member of our family. She adores everyone, but especially the kids and, of course, my mother. She loves to be outside in her pen or on a long lead especially through the park where there are many distractions, from leaves to chipmunks. We are thankful for her presence in our lives every day. We'll have her about one year in a few weeks and we wanted you to know how much we love her and appreciate the care you put into her breeding.

Picture of our Irish Setter Puppies exploring

Member AKC American Kennel Club

Thank you for Visiting
Smyth Bird Dogs Home Page
Our Dogs Placed as AKC Limited Pets

