Other Sites
which will certainly be of help to you

Autre liens
qui vous seront certainement utiles

"Ma Famille" by Real Levesque
Levesque Family/Famille Levesque Database of over 12,000 surnames of Restigouche county
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet - New Brunswick
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet - Canada
Again Cyndi has one of the best sites that has to be paid a visit
Site de Généalogie et Histoire Canadienne
Canadian Genealogy and History Links
Excellent site Acadien de Michelle
Michelle's Acadian GenWeb site
Michelle is the co-ordinator of the Acadian GenWeb site
Excellent references and links to Acadian resources
Margot Ferguson's gorgeous page
Northern New Brunswick and the Gaspe Peninsula
Exquisitly well done page on the Robichaux family
Searchable data base of almost 30,000 names and much much more
Histoire et Généalogie de ma famille, entre autre
Godin/Lapointe/Doyle/Bourque/Arbour/Dion etc..
aussi des photo et de l'histoire de la région de Campbellton/Pointe a la Croix
Irene Genealogy and Family History Page
My own Genealogy and Family History page on Godin/Lapointe/Doyle/Bourque/Arbour/Dion etc.. you will also find here some online registers, a lot of NB genealogy links
some pictures and history of the Campbellton/Cross Point area
King's county GenWeb site
Steeves Homepage
Burke/Bourque family tree
A nice page on "Dit names" a list of them also
Dictionnaire généalogique de nos origines
By Denis Beauregard, [Québec 1731-1799]
Annapolis Nova Scotia GenWeb project
Gaspesians Keeping in Touch
Walsh Family Genealogy
French Canadian Gedcom files
Ian Mold's Superb "Surname NOW" page
US GENWeb Cemetery records
If you have roots in the US and we all do this is where
you may find some of your kins
York County GenWeb page
Hache-Gallant family home page
Grand Manan New Brunswick Home page
Andrew Patterson's GASPE Links
Daly / Daily family in New Brunswick
Gabrielle Burke-Vienneau's bilingual web page / La page bilingue de Gabrielle Burke Vienneau
Web page of genealogy on the Hache-Gallant, Doucet, Boudreau and Burke
The Degrace, Grass, de grass etc.. family of NB
NB Genealogy Links
Stephen Wiggins Home for Boys
A very nice site and a memorial to Reverend Joseph, Hilda and Stewart Hurley

New Brunswick Provincial Archives Main page

This page was designed by Irene Doyle, December 1998

Last Updated Aug. 4, 2000

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