"Tango's Homepage"

G'day! Welcome to my place in cyberspace.

For those of you that have been here before you will notice BIG changes - and boy were they a long time in coming *LOL*

Make sure you stay tuned - this place is still under construction!

About Me

My name is Joanne and I live in Australia. I have a wonderful husband, Ian, and two great children, Cameron (7) and Cara (4) - I love them all very much.
I used to spend alot of time doing things like reading and cross-stitch - well now I spend ALL of my spare time on the "net". I am totally addicted *LOL*

I work outside of the home on a part-time basis as an Optical Assistant - a job I have been doing on and off, (mainly off *LOL*) for over 10 years!

About Ian

Ian and I have been married for 8 years. Ian is a police officer, and I am very proud of him - he is my man in uniform *S*.

Ian loves to run in his spare time and he has clocked up some fairly impressive achievements over the years. He basically runs middle distance which is anything from 5kms to 12kms - and he does it all just for fun!!! Go figure *LOL*

Check out his homepage to learn more about what he does and what he likes!


Cameron is our "Fourth of July" baby - 1991. He was born at 36 weeks by emergency caesarean because I was suffering from pre-eclampsia, hypertension and odeama! Even though he was 6lb 13oz he was still a sick little boy :-( He spent the first week of his life in the Intensive Care Unit - and he was 5 days old before I even got to hold him. This was a very hard time in my life - but now he is perfect *S*

Click here to see Cameron's homepage.


Cara is four years old - she is my baby!

Cara has a few vision problems because she was born with a cataract - we were devastated to find out our little girl could potentially be blind in one eye. :-( She had cataract surgery, with IOL (Intraocular Lens) Implant in March '97 - another difficult time for us.

I searched high and low for as much information as I could find on this condition. I found some wonderful sites on the "net" - and I even found a support group!

Cara still has a long way to go with her therapy but we are getting good results so far, she has a great Paediatric Ophthalmologist - and for that we are thankful. She now wears a contact lens to help with her vision, she also wears bifocal glasses on top of that, and we patch!
Check out Cara's page - she would love for you to visit :-)
Or here to learn more about Cara's cataract and treatment.

Family Pictures

Joanne - not a good pic, but the only one I have for now!
Ian - a pic of Ian just about to leave for work!
Cameron - a pic of Cameron about 8 months ago!
Cara - at the computer about 6 months ago!
Footy - Cameron and Cara at the footy last year!

Favourite Links

PARENT'S PLACE: I just love to chat here. It's a great place to meet other parents and make great friends.
WEST COAST EAGLES: I forgot to mention that I LOVE footy. Check out my favourite team's site.
AAPOS: American Association Of Paediatric Ophthalmology - I learnt alot here about paediatric vision and problems.
GAZ & RAYL'S HOMEPAGE: they are fellow sandgropers, (West Aussies) and they have "heaps" of info and links on their homepage. Take a look - it's great!
MOTHER & CHILD: an Australian "parenting" website.
LUXEMBOURG: Visit this site and see what a beautiful country Luxembourg is!
VIRTUAL FLORIST: Send someone a virtual bouquet today.
MY AWARDS: Check out the awards that I've won :-)

Titanic Links

I just LOVED this movie - it's my all time favourite :-)

A Homepage dedicated to the "Titanic" movie
Another page dedicated the "Titanic"

I know these graphics don't match - I'm still in the process of finding new ones!

Where I Got My Graphics

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