Part of my Life in Missouri

Ok well, I have been promising people for some time to post some pictures of some of my surrounding area..things I do etc. Oh yes and my new truck! So without further ado, I present them to you and hope you like them. There are several so please be patient as it loads. Also, Please! forgive me tha tthey are so HUGE! I am not very well with shrinking things yet... so untill such time as I am...Ill have to stick with these.

Ok this is the truck I keep braging about, a beauty isnt it?

This is me being silly after the first snowstorm of this year. It was a late snow, and I love snow (though ppl around here think it is a four letter word:P), so I was just very happy to see it finally.

This is my yard after the snowfall, I wanted to remember how beautiful it looked, plus my family lives in florida and has never seen snow like this before! So I had to get them some shots.

This is just the side yard of my house, oh yea, and that dog belongs to a neighbor.

Here is my kitty, her name is Princess and she definatly thinks she is Queen of the castle.

Speaking of cats, this one belongs to a friend of mine, his name is Fiesty, and boy he proves it! Have you ever seen a cat with 6 toes? Well look close, this ones got 6! The 5th one makes his 6th one point out like a thumb. (Pssst..personally I think its a plot by kitties to take over the world, all they need are hands! Look out! oh hi princess. Ack! Get away from meeee!!!!!!)

OK! Last one:) This is Arielle's home, all decorated for christmas. I just thought it looked GREAT!