For quite some time now, I have been useing a TELNET program to go to Talkers. These are basicaly chat rooms or irc-like, but with many differences. There are users and Super-Users, sometimes called Wizards, who help keep the peace on the talkers. Below are links to several Homepages of the talkers that I go to, perhaps youd like to look them over and maybe decide to go to one of them.

Trauma Bay




Castle Corners

At the above will find my pic or if you go looking for me on the talkers, under the name of Myst, Keton, or maybe even Goliath.

Another type of talker is called a Mud, in this you not only talk to people, but you also can play the game. Basiacally a Mud is a Dungeons and Dragons type game, but text only. Its really cool and I think you should check it out. Below is the Mud i frequent the most, on it Im called Danu.
