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SiteInspector Approved

The above awards were given to me. I didn't ask for them. After all, have you ever bought yourself a trophy or was it freely given to you because someone appreciated something you did?

Geocities Awards
Geocities will give you free space for your page!

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Christian Site of the Week - By Christian Internet Resources

NOTICE: The following rings probably contain some sites that will not edify you. On the other hand, there will be many sites that will. There will always be people that create sites that are only edifying to themselves. It is up to you to be selective. I have come up with some guidelines that I follow that help me to find the best Christian sites.

I don't follow Christian rings around from site to site. I go to the listing of all sites so I can see the titles and descriptions. The sites that are titled with the author's name I skip. After all, I want to learn more about the Lord first, then about the person who created the site.

Once I get to a site I glance over the first page to see what the author's motivation is. I can usually tell whether they are interested more in ministering to the readers by telling about the Lord or if they are only interested in self gratification or promoting something other than the Lord.

If the site ministers to me or will minister to others I try to always sign the guestbook or else I send email. After all, we are supposed to "exhort one another daily" (Heb 3:13).

There are tons of great Christian sites out there. It is just hard to find them with all the not-great sites. There is so much to learn about the Lord. It is gratifying to find sites where people share what He has given them. Keep seeking.

Global Family Network
Good News Web Designers Assn
This means I have a family-friendly Christian site! For more like mine check out the Global Family Network!
I'm a member of The Association of Christian Web Authors (Their site is currently down)
I'm a member of the Good News Web Designers Association

This "Click Here" link takes you to a site that has links to personal sites that talk about Jesus. Warning: there are a lot of sites that are gone, but I leave this link on my page so others will find my pages.
Click Here If You Love Jesus

This Christians In Action site is owned by Kay.
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All for the Glory of God Webring All for the Glory of God Webring
This All for the Glory of God site is owned by Kay.
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