Dr. Jesse D. Krehbiel
908 Augusta Dr.
Sun City Center, FL 33573
Ph (813)633-0088


Formal Education
Professional Experience
Religious Experience


- 1948 diploma Castleton R.H.S., KS
- 1952  A.B.   Bethel College, KS      Math-Educ
- 1956  M.S.   Iowa State Univ. IA     Math-Educ
- 1961         NSF Sum.Inst., KS Univ  Math
- 1962         NSF Summer Inst. "      Math
- 1963             "   Missouri Univ.  Engineering
- 1964             "   Penn St. Univ.  Computers
- 1965             "   Okl. St. Univ.  Statistics
- 1970  Ed.D.  Oklahoma State Univ.    Math-Educ
- 1981         I.O.M. Christian Ret.   Ministry
- 1982         Pastoral Sch.  "        Ministry
- 1983  Th.D.  Int'l Seminary, FL      Theology

- 1952-53  Iowa St. graduate assis., Ames, Ia
- 1955-56     "          "              "
- 1956-57  Keokuk S.H. & Comm. Coll., Keokuk, IA
- 1957-61  Wichita State Univ., Wichita, KS
- 1961-76  McPherson College, McPherson, KS
-          (I taugh all levels as Math Chm.)
- 1976-77  ACCK Colleges, McPherson, KS
- 1978-81  Columbus School, Medellin, Columbia, S.A.
- 1982-83  Manatee Jr. College, Bradenton, FL
- 1982-84  Worship Center Church, Bradenton, FL
-          (Educ. Dir.-taught day school & Bible)
- 1985-86  Christian Retreat - Part-time Bible
-          (teacher, Bradenton, FL)
- 1986-88  Taught Bible Course, Church of Our
-          Lord, Bradenton, FL and Substitute
-          teacher in Manatee Co. Schools.
- 1989-pres  Ministry positions:  home Bible
-          study, prison ministry, nursing home,
-          Sun City Center, FL
- 1992     Realtor in Sun City Center, FL
- 1993     Taught Calculus at Bethel College
-          January Inter-term, N.Newton, KS
- 1993     Retired but continue to work part-time.

- I have had membership in the following:
-     Mathematical Association of America (MAA)
-     National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
-     Kansas Council of Teachers of Mathematics
-     Pi Mu Epsilon (Honorary Math Fraternity)     

Christian Related Experiences

- Feb 17, 1931 Born to Christian parents and
-              attended the G.C. Mennonite Church
-              on a regular basis all my life
-              until my involvement in the
-              Charismatic Spirit-filled churches
-              and FGBMFI in 1976.
- May 18, 1946 I had a born-again experience.
- May 26, 1946 I was water baptized by Rev P.P.
-              Tschetter, my pastor, at Pretty
-              Prairie, Kansas.
- June, 1952   Graduated from Bethel College,
-              Mennonite College, N.Newton, KS
- 1957-pres.   I have been teaching Sunday School
-              and/or home Bible classes.
- 1961-1965    Superintendent of Sunday School
- & 1967-'74   in Mennonite Church, McPherson.
- 1970-1975    Ministered one night per week
-              at Mcpherson Co. jail.
- 1974-1983    Member of Gideons International.   
- 1975-1976    Pres. of Mcpherson Gideons.
- 1976         Attended Summer Bible Institute
-              of Campus Crusade for Christ at
-              Arrowhead Springs, California.
- 1976         Director of "I Found it" campaign
-              for McPherson County.
- 1977-Pres.   Member of Full Gospel Business 
-              Men's Fellowship International.
- Nov. 1977    Baptized in the Holy Spirit at
-              a Happy Hunter's FGBMF.
- 1978-1980    Spent three years in Medellin,
-              Columbia.  Taught & worked with
-              missionaries.
- Mar 1981-June '82 Attended the "Institute of
-              Ministry", 250 hours of intensive
-              Bible and ministry at Christian
-              Retreat, Bradenton, FL. Then 
-              graduated from their pastoral
-              school of ministry.
- April 8,1981 Baptized in the Manatee River.
- 1981-1982    Involved in Manatee Co. jail
-              ministry & telephone ministry.
- June 1982    Eleven day Mission tour in
-              Jamaica: witnessed and preached.
- July'82-June '84  Director of Education at the 
-              Worship Center Church, Bradenton.
- June'84-'85  Taught Bible Survey & other courses
-              at Christian Retreat, Bradenton.
-              Also ministered water baptisms.
- 1985-'86     Taught extension class for I.B.I.S.
-              Preached Sunday evenings at the
-              Church of our Lord, taught classes
-              at Loving Hands Ministry, Bradn't.  
- 1987-1995    Monthly preaching service & weekly
-              Bible Study at Sun Terrace(nursing
-              home) at Sun City Center, FL.
- 1986-Pres.   Lead a home Bible Study.
- April 1989   Week long mission trip to Belize.
- May 1989     Bible courier to China.
- May '89-'90  Member of Carpenter's Home Church
-              and altar worker there.
- 1989-Pres.   A counselor at bi-weekly services
-              at Hillsborough Correctional Inst.
-              Also counsel at Bill Glass' Week-
-              end of Champions in some prisons.
- 1990-1993     Minister of Evangelism at Christian
-              Tabernacle, SCC, FL
- Mar '91-May'92 Helped minister at Chapel Garden
-              Church in Riverview, FL.
- 1992-1994    Advisor to Ruskin Chap.Women's Aglow.
- April-Sept '94  Secretary of Bradenton FGBMFI.
- Aug '94-Pres Started Full Gospel Business Men's
-              Fellowship Int'l in SCC and have
-              been the president of Chapter. 
- July '95-Oct '96 Secretary of the board of the
-              Newly formed South Bay Christian
-              Center Church, SCC, FL,
- July '97-Pres  Advisor to Women's Aglow Chap.
-              of Sun City Center.

- If you have any suggestions for a speaker - at our FGBMFI dinners please let me know. You - are all invited to come. Dinner meetings are - every 2nd Friday of the month. Breakfast every - 1st Saturday. Just give me a call at (813)633- - 0088.

Or write me at

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