"Turn your words to speach"
Hit submit or type any words you want to hear:

Here is the script for the clock & date. I will be using
[ ] instead of the > so be sure to replace them.
Everything else use just as it is.

[script] document.write("lt's [font face=Arial, Univers,Helvetica]"+Date()+".[/font]")[/script]

Here is the script for the voice to text. Again, I will be using
[ ] instead of < so be sure to replace them.
Everything else use just as it is.

[center]"Turn your words to speach"[form method="get" action="http://wwwtios.cs.utwente.nl/say/form"] Hit submit or type any words you want to hear:[br] [input size="60" name="text" value="Look at that my words speak"] [input type="submit" name="action" value="submit"] [/form] [/center]

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