Wairarapa Railway Modellers Inc

The Wairarapa Railway Modellers was formed in 1981 and became an Incorporated Society in November 1996.  Until June 1994, members met in each other’s homes once a month. Clubrooms were obtained in 1994 and meetings are now held on the First & Third Thursdays of each month.
The club has a modular layout suitable for running 4mm British, HO American and Continental and Sn3½ NZR locomotives and rolling stock.  This layout has been displayed throughout the lower half of the North Island.
Currently a new modular layout is under construction and will, for exhibitions, be based on NZR practice.
Our Club is a member of The New Zealand Association of Model Railway Clubs Inc
New members are welcome.
To visit our club and become involved with railway modeling contact:
 Ian C Galbraith  by email or phone 06 377 3603.
