Hello friends..and all you cyber visitors, are friends, My name is KIYI and that is NOT keeyee..it is K(eye)Y(eye) (long I's there my friends.. )I know..it is a weird name..but it was given to me by my bestest and onlyest sister KityKat who when we were young could not say Karen..as she is only 10 months older than I am. I am now 48 years young..(or old when I am tired)I am 5'3" short..I mean tall..what WAS I thinking!!...Brown hair and blue eyes..I have been told my eyes are my best feature.....I have a turn-up nose, which I hate..but Mom likes. I have one sister and three brothers, In order of appearence: Keith 58..ewwwwww that's old, Kenny 56, Kathy 49, me, then Tiger (Raymond) 37. I have several step siblings..but have not seen them since daddy died in '75, my daddy was a cop in Azusa, Calif. I would like to find my step siblings if I could..there was Robin Dial, Betty and Robert Bowering, there was a brother Billy who died in a motorcycle accident in '74.

I just got married to the most wonderful man, he is big and so good looking...long curly auburn hair and beard, he is a tad younger than me..(by 8 Years, high five me!!!) he is 6'3" and 300 lbs..just what I wanted in a man..actually he was bigger when I met him..but he has lost over 100lbs since. We met at the Pub in Milford, Utah one year ago on September 18th, and on September 18th, 1999 we married (then went to the Pub for a celebration!!!) As I was wondering how to let the world know just how much I love this man...Faith Hill goes and sings a song that describes it perfectly BREATHE

I have two wonderful daughters:.. Poppy-21 and ..C.J.-17 and I have a grandson Sean-Michael, who is the cutest blonde I have ever seen....do I sound like a grandmother???? I now have a new grandaughter Caitlyn Marie and a very new grandson Tristen Andrew. (pics to be posted soon)

New page made for the passing of my daughters best friend, her horse Blue. (see link below)

Things I love: SCOTLAND!!!!, my snake Monty, who unfortunately died October 24, 1999( I miss him terribly), Bubble Baths, and Copper Camels, Horses and Cats, the smell of Autumn in the air, the feel of Billy's belly against me at night, honesty..in fact I demand honesty!!!I love to be happy and laugh, I love to dance and listen to good music...Billy can sing..but I can't...(I still do but no one hears me)..I love friends...the long lasting kind...those , who even though I don't talk to them for a long time..can just talk like we just left one another...know what I mean???

AHHHHHHHHHHH the internet...what a wonderous thing we have now...Chat rooms..the singles (and not so single) bars of the 90's...where you can meet and fall in love or just make new friends...My experience..90% of the internet relationships do NOT work out, I fell in love..HARD!!! I still love him..will always love him..but at least we can still be friends..and that is good...Net Friends I have actually met IRL (in real life) first and foremost= PEENUTS!!!! what a NUT!!!he kept me in stitches the whole time in Salt Lake city, where there was: Denali, Lake, gone fishin', KITYKAT, ronroadster, me and Jeannie. I have also met IRL, Tippy Toes(who is my best friend and confidante), Sierra , Pilot, Gunther/ThunderGhost/Murphy, Petunia, and Starlitfire. Two internet romances that worked out was my sister KITYKAT and gone fishin', Peenuts and Southern Miss, they are so good together..restores your faith in internet love...congrats you four!!!

Links to
Pic's of the family
Our Wedding Pic's
Love Song Urls
Some Very Special People
Links to friends pages
New Family
There Is No Excuse
For Abuse
I just LOVE Roses
I was a Tavern Wench
A great Duo
Scottish Rain Pages
and Music Depot
for Blue
For Sale
to be
C.J.'s Page
Poppy's Page
KatKar Kreations
gone fishin'/~~~~~~~~*s Pages
KITY=^..^=KAT's Pages
kat's Garden
& Background Page
My Grandneice
Ashlynne's Pages
my sister's
Ferrets' Pages
my sister's Cats' Pages

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This award was given to me by a VERY good friend..and she touched my heart by thinking of me...Thank you Star *S*

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