STRONG-L Archives from the MAISER era...
Browse the Archive
Part One
Part Two

Network Sites

The Strong Quest Website

Strong Genealogy Network Homepage

Strongs of Great Britain and Ireland Database

Strong Roots Database

SFAA Homepage

Ship Captains: My Homeport

Strange Home Page

e-mail Russell Laird if you have any problems, questions or comments about this site

  Contained herein we have the complete archive of messages sent to STRONG-L, (Strong Family Discussion List) from its inception in early December, 1996, hosted on a server at Indiana University that ran software called MAISER, which is a quasi-acronym for Mail Server. The archive includes messages sent to the list until it was moved to Rootsweb, where it currently resides. The time period covered is Dec. 8, 1996 - May 9, 1997. Archives of the list's activities since its move to Rootsweb are available from Rootsweb.

This archive, which is compiled in chronological order, is broken into two parts. Still, each part is quite large and will take a few minutes for your browser to open completely. After your browser gets one of the parts open, you can use its search tool to look for particular names, place names, names of authors, etc.

Dedicated to the memory of the late Mr. Robert T. "Bob" Strong, Jr., who built STRONG-L from ground zero by supplying considerable data and encouraging others to do the same.

Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 [Strong Genealogy Network]. All rights reserved.
Revised: January 29, 1999


(Counter reset Nov. 22, 1997)

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