Welcome to
Critter Heaven Farm
~ home of ~
2-Steppin' Dairy Goats
Second Chance Wildlife Rehabilitation

Hi ....
We are Mike and Sharai Coffey, and we live in Heber City, Utah, a small agriculture community nesteled in a beautiful little valley behind the Wasatch Mountains. We raise registered dairy goats, and have just recently recieved our certificate to become big game wildlife rehabilitators.

We have been raising goats for four years now. We have LaMancha's, Alpines and Recorded Grades. Our herd is now up to 54 goats, 11 of which are our herd sires (bucks). We just recently purchased 4 Navajo Churro sheep, 2 rams and 2 ewes. This coming spring is going to be a very busy time for us. We will hopfully have 27 of our does freshen, and we hope to have our two ewes lamb as well.

With the abundance of goat milk that we have, we decided that we would like to put it to good use, rather than using it as a weed killer, and dumping it. We applied for big game wildlife rehabilitation, so that we could use our execess milk for orphaned fawns. This will be a whole new adventure for us, but one that we feel will be very fullfilling.

We have also put some of the excess milk to another use, and that is making "Critter Heaven's Goatmilk and Honey Soap". This has turned out to be a fun and hopefully profit making adventure.

We enjoy doing many types of crafts, but have devoted most of our talents to woodworking type crafts. Fret work is one of Mike's favorite pastimes (that is when he is not with "his girls" in the milkroom). Sharai tole paints, and does all the finish work for the various projects that we do. During December Mike gets sorta busy doing Santa for our town and various schools and families.

Kidding season will soon be upon us, with our first doe being due around Feb 14th.... That will be a "Happy Valentines" for us. We will have LOT OF BABIES for SALE this year, so feel free to contact us for information. Our 2 ewes should lamb sometime in March, so Critter Heaven Farm will be overflowing in babies by summer.... That is IF summer ever comes to Heber Valley.

This is our FIRST Grand champion :-)

~~ 2-Steppin' KDV Hale-Bop - DOB 3/28/97 ~~
Dam ~ Pinepole Acres Justice's Venus (8*M)
Sire ~ CH Pinepole Acres SOV Dexter (*B)

Junior Grand Champion, 1997 Utah State Fair

Now we want you to meet our little "Stink Bug"

Actually her name is:
~~ Pinepole Acres Daren's Vera - DOB 8/3/97 ~~
but she is such a little "Stinker" that we decided
to call her Stink Bug ~ Jackie, to the left, is one
of her "babysitters"

You may Email us at: mcoffey@inquo.net

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