Thanks for visiting
Leah & Ashlyn's Place on The Web.
We hope you enjoy.

This site is in no way associated with
Leah's Place Childcare for those of you whom are
complaining to this childcare provider.

This page was last updated 05/09/05.
We are redoing our whole web site, so come
back and visit again soon.

This is Leah.

This is Ashlyn.

Our page is going to be all about us
and our favorite things.

Leah at 15 months

Sign My New Guestbook.

Veiw My Old Guestbook if you would like.

This page is also dedicated
to my brother who would have
been nine years old June 1. He
was 5 1/2 months old when he was
diagnosed with medulloblastoma,
(which is a form of a malignant
brain tumor ).He had numerous surgeries
done to his head and also lines put
in his chest for chemotherapy. When
he was 9 months old he passed away
because the cancer was to strong for
him to fight. He was a brave little
guy and went through a lot in his short
life. I would have liked to have met him,
I know he would have been a great big
brother and mom really misses him.
Here is a picture of him.

Click on my brother's picture
to go to his homepage.

Family-Friendly Site