St. James Anglican Church
Port Colborne, Ontario
in the Anglican Diocese of Niagara
Thursdays 10:00 am
Communion Service

Sunday 8:00 am
Book of Common Prayer

Sunday 10:00 am
Book of Alternative Sevices
Sung Eucharist
55 Charlotte St.
                 Port Colborne, ON, L3K 3C9 Canada
Church Office: (905) 834-3184

Established in 1863, the Parish of St. James Anglican Church has a long standing history in the community of Port Colborne.  The original church building, consecrated in1869 was destroyed by fire November 7, 1915.  The present building's corner stone was laid September 9, 1916, with the official opening service being held the second Sunday after Easter, April 22, 1917. 

Our current worship style is a blend of the old and the new.  Our Sunday 8:00 a.m. service is a Said Eucharist from the Book of Common Prayer, meeting the needs of those who favour a more traditional liturgical style of the Anglican Church.  

Sunday 10:00 a.m. worship is a Choral Eucharist from the Book of Alternative Services with settings of a more contemporary flavour being  used on a biweekly basis.  Hymns are sung from the new "Common Praise" Hymn Book, with the 15 member Senior Choir providing anthems on a weekly basis.  Our Junoir Choir also take part in services several times throughout the year.  An infant nursery is provided as well as Sunday School, both held in our Guild Hall, at the 10:00 a.m. service hour.

The Youth Group, led by our Youth Worker Lori Bodner, meets on a regular basis.  This unique ministry is shared with our sister parishes, St. Brendan the Navigator, Port Colborne and Christ Church, Wainfleet.

The St. James Ladies provide a ministry to the parish, catering funeral receptions and hosting church suppers, rummage sales, bake sales and their annual Christmas Bazzaar.

The Altar Guild is charged with caring for the altar linens, arranging flowers and setting out the vessels for the communion service.  The Guild also decorate the church for the festive seasons of Easter, Harvest and Christmas.

Community Outreach is seen in our involvement with the "Out of the Cold Program".  The parish has taken on the responsibility of providing a hot meal and a safe place for the night to those in need weekly during the months November through March.
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