
"Tent Girl Story" 


in Georgetown, Kentucky



Known only as a "Jane Doe" 

and found on the side of a road wrapped in a canvas tent bag.


Is this how you want to find your missing family member??  


In 1968, a man in Tennessee DID find my sister on the side of an embankment,

 wrapped up in a canvas bag... 

and had to live with the horror and nightmares of that dreadful day for almost 30 years!!


She had probably been there for an estimated time of  5 months when he found her there.

Barbara Ann Hackmann

I Found our missing sister in Georgetown Kentucky after 30 years thru the internet!!!

She was only known to them as "Jane Doe".

This PROVES that you should never give up 




Never Say Never...

and Never Give Up!!


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As of 9-13-99 I have over 800 sites linked to the tables below for your searching needs.... If you find a broken link, or if you have one you would like to add, just E-Mail Me with the URL, and which page you would like to be added to, and I will add it as soon as possible. THANK YOU!

Missing Person's Search Sites & Links

My Search links are dedicated for FREE.

In memory to my missing sister Barbara. And to all people who are searching for missing persons.
May God be with you all and good luck!


Some of my story... of searching for a missing sister

and after 30 years, it finally unfolds!!

Tent Girl Links 

On the internet

Anomalies Site - Tent Girl 

Thank You Garth!

Bonnie and Shelly's Homepage

Still Searching for others that are of George Earl Taylor's past.

Unidentified Persons

From all over!  Take a look at this one if you have missing family!

Other links for searching for all kinds of information below!!

Adoption Links

Arkansas Links


Hope Hall

DNA Action Memorial

Jennifer's Law

Unidentifieds Law

Law Enforcement

LZ Sally 1968 

Vietnam   1968 - 1969

Mike is searching for lots of veterans in his battalion!!  

See if your on his list!!



Missing Persons

Missing Persons Organizations

Native American

Indian Links

Search & Post Links

This is a lot of databases to search thru for missing persons and most of them you can post your missing person also!

Search Engines

Any kind of search engine you want is in this page... take a look and see for yourself!!


Different kinds of Links


1972 Oldsmobile 442

Restoration Project

My friend SS Super's Homepage
If you like restoring old cars.. look at this one!
  The Official Saline County Arkansas Website!!


{{{My page is ALWAYS under construction. So please, update your bookmarks often}}}.

As of 9-13-99 I have over 800 sites linked to the tables below for your searching needs.... 

If you find a broken link, or if you have one you would like to add, 

just E-Mail Me with the URL, and which page you would like to be added to, and I will add it as soon as possible. 





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Never forget to stop and smell the roses along your way... Everyone needs a beautiful rose to hang on to for hope!!


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