
Personal Details

Interests and Hobbies

Hot List

E-Mail Me!

Free Crochet Patterns

Free Recipes

Fairy picture


Personal Details

Hail all and welcome to my website! This is my first attempt at building a web page so please, bear with me in this endeavor! Footnote: I hope to be adding lots of free downloadables, especially crochet patterns, but first I have to check into copywrite laws, wouldn't want to get myself into trouble! Please...check back often as I will be adding tons of free downloadable recipes and patterns! I want to thank a friend of mine for all the help she's given me, without her I can't imagine what this place would look like!!

Also, I will be adding farm related material in the future as I raise chickens and other livestock.

Jammin' Jordan
Picture at left
is of my son,
Jammin' Jordan,
taking a 7th place
at Adelanto!

And at right
he is doing
a "no-hander"
at the dunes.
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Interests and Hobbies

One of my hobbies is crocheting, and the other is raising animals...for now anyway... I've been crocheting now for 25 years, seems like an eternity! Shortly I'll be adding some of my favourite patterns and more links to crochet and crafts. If I can figure out how to do buisness on the net I may even add some crochet pieces for sale on this page! Just recently I've taken up knitting as well, so I've added some links for all you knitters. I've just taken up a bit of farming as well. We now have 60 chickens...and a pig. I hope to be able to find the time to add links to poultry sites and maybe some pictures of my pets.
I love nothing more than to sit on my machine for days....literally! I have what I fondly refer to as "Monitor Eye". I could see before I started sitting in front of this thing, now.....I can't! Help! I'll be adding links to programs and other computer related stuff soon, I hope!
I've been around motorcycles most of my life, so...of course I love them! My son and his father ride MotoX and i'm proud to say that they are both great! I'll be adding pictures of them soon and hopefully some links as well.

Download Some Files!!

Download Roger Dean Font -- "Yes" Fans Rejoice! -- More cool fonts.

gpcare.doc -- A great little document for all you new Gpig owners! Great tips and info.!

Trapd.wav -- A fitting little wave file that applies to how most of us have felt about the internet at one time or another! -- Medieval Tunes, midi style.

The -- The best band of all time! Midi tunes.

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Free Recipes

Some Recipes....

Hot List

My Favourite Sites so far are....
My Favourite Unicorn Related Sites are....
MotoX Links...
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Free Crochet Patterns

Here's a free pattern "Pretty Pansies" Enjoy!

A Beautiful Heart Afghan "Here's My Heart" Anyone remember the perfume from Avon?

Not too difficult to do "Patchwork Fans"

Another Afghan Pattern Simply Kitty

Like sunflowers? Try this Kansas Afghan.

A simple, pretty afghan..Village Squares.

Village Squares.jpg..Placement Diagram

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Crochet Links...
Knitting Links....
Fairies and unicorn
Fairies and mushrooms
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E-Mail Me!

I love getting E-Mail!
Please let me know what you think about my home page; constructive criticism is welcome!

Unicorn Head
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Link to Celtic things
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You can get a unicorn
or pony here too!

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...and then some!


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All Contents Copyright.
Last revised: December 22, 1999