katnkev 's Home Page

Welcome to Kathy and Kevin's Homepage

My name is Kathy. Kevin and I live in Scottsdale, Arizona with Thomas Ryan and Tamara Lynn who were born November 4th, 1997. I work during the day as a secretary in Phoenix while Kevin takes care of the kids. Right now he works nights and weekends. -- Awww, Heck!! Let's face it! With regards to Tommy and Tammy, Kevin's working much harder than I am, and he's doing a fantastic job!

My main source for parenting information and peer support is found at ParentsPlace.com. If there is a more complete website community dedicated to raising a family in these cybertimes, I haven't found it.

Please drop in again and see what's going on, as I like to add to this webpage daily and it will always be under construction. I will continually update pictures of the Twins. All comments, suggestions and questions are welcome, please do not hesitate to e-mail me! ...and HEY! Sign my Guestbook, let me know that this effort is not wasted. Thanks!


Tamara Lynn and Thomas Ryan on July 3rd, 1998



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Come back and visit soon. Please e-mail us: kpthree@ivillage.com

You are visitor number: since June 17, 1998.

The Mining Co. and RT Computer Graphics gives this page its WESTERN STYLE! Gee, thanks guys!