[Christus statue]LDS Page

How to find out more about our Church

[Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints]


I've gathered together on this page various sources of information about our Church. This will be useful, I hope, to members and others who would like to know more about the "Mormons." Currently, I am serving as a member of the High Council of the Springfield Missouri South Stake. I've served in a variety of other Church callings, including Bishop, mission leader and Sunday School teacher. Pamela has been Relief Society President and Young Women President, among a multitude of callings. In any case, browse through the information presented on this unofficial page.

Basic Information

The Official LDS Church page is a good place to start.

The following pages are unofficial, representing the various authors' viewpoints. However, they do a good job in explaining the Church basics.



LDS Institutes of Higher Learning

LDS Periodicals

LDS Homepages

These are just a few of many. For a much longer list, go to Infobases, Inc.


Get a free Book of Mormon or order one.[Book of Mormon]

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Thanks for your input!


You can send me a message at: cscudder@yournet.com


If you would like to search the Web for some other interesting pages, try one of the search engines on my Search Page.

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Copyright © 1996 by Chris Scudder. This page last updated October 4, 1998.