Thank you for visiting Aunt Dolores's String of Pearls

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You will find the links for the first 140 Guests at the bottom of these entries
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Kristie ~aka~Bottlemania - 09/29/00 03:20:38
Located: South-Central Utah
Hobbies: Fishing, Crochet, quilting, all handicrafts
Pets: My ANGEL~Small Cockapoo
Kids: 6 Kids, 5 Grandchildren, all of whom are the apples of my eye!
Favorite Flower: Daffodil
Favorite?: "If God be for me, who can stand against me"

Auntie~ You are a lovely lady and a VERY special spirit. God has you in His loving arms. I am so proud to call you FRIEND. Thank you for all your warm e-mails and prayers for my sister.

Willis Holloway - 09/28/00 12:28:56
Located: Mobile, Alabama
Hobbies: too many
Pets: Bull (Akita) & Mya (Rottweiler)
Kids: 2 daughters
Favorite Flower: Camelia

Enjoyed your web site and bidding on your eBay items.

Chiapet - 09/18/00 19:09:39
Located: Edmonton
Hobbies: web pages
Pets: cats
Favorite Flower: none
Favorite?: non

Great site!! Check out my site that features a live growing chiapet webcam, and more!

annie - 08/21/00 16:12:28
Located: So. California
Hobbies: Bear making, photography,
Pets: Mike and Elizabeth
Kids: 3 kids and 6 grandkids
Favorite Flower: night blooming jasmine
Favorite?: cool weather fall

I was reading your posts and kept thinking,(since you said)that you were an old lady and here I find that you and I are the same age. I was also a photographer, we had a photograpy business for 7 years while we had regular jobs. I too had to leave work because of four knee surgeries. I was a grocery checker and stood up for 8 hours a day. We are doing Ebay because we had a shop for 14 years that we closed last year and we are selling our unsold porducts. I showed Mike your dogs picture and he said "could I play with her, Mommy?". I really like your Me page and links to your website. We are trying to set one up for me now. Smiles, Annie

Lea - 08/08/00 00:34:05
Located: Burlington, Ontario
Hobbies: fishing, boating, ebaying, all sports, stained glass, woodworking
Pets: My wonderful husband Ross
Kids: Brock and Dave
Favorite Flower: Passion flower
Favorite?: My favorite thing is meeting special people like Dolores

Hi Dolores: I had time to find out more about you here. You are wonderful and I am glad to have met you and I look forward to getting to know you better. I am glad I took the time to "stop and smell the roses"

Finley - 07/30/00 13:52:02
Located: Bluegrass State
Hobbies: Radio Control
Pets: Dog---------"Dan"
Kids: 3 Wonderful Girls
Favorite?: Sharon

Hi Ron, Just thougt I would check out your Me page and kept on going from there! Goes to show you a man never knows where he might end up. See Ya Your friend Finley40

LOTIS MELISANDE - 07/21/00 22:01:01
Located: Minnetonka
Hobbies: traveling
Pets: you name it, I've had it
Kids: hundreds
Favorite Flower: violet

I like you Dolores.

Sherry - 07/07/00 15:12:02
Located: Texas via Oklahoma
Hobbies: eBay, cooking, gardening, flea markets
Pets: 2 dogs, 4 iguanas, lots of finch, parakeets, fish
Kids: 2 grown sons, 5 foster sons
Favorite Flower: all flowers!!
Favorite?: old time rock & roll

Awesome page! Shows caring spirit & lots of love! Thank you for sharing, I've enjoyed your corner of the world.

Richard N. Post - 07/01/00 12:48:00
My Email:RNPost
Located: New York, NY
Hobbies: collect and study NY World fairs 1939+1965
Pets: 21 yr old cat refuses to be called "pet"
Kids: 21 yr old cat
Favorite Flower: Auntie Dolores

I read somewhere that a pearl is made to encase something that has irritated the sea animal. If thats true then pearls are the wonderful by-product of a tough time in life. You keep stringing those pearls, Auntie, longer and stronger!

Theresa - 05/23/00 04:09:29
Located: Colton, Ca.
Hobbies: Reading
Pets: 1 Boxer puppy, a 12 year old terrier mix, and a 3 year old cat.
Kids: 2 Boys ages 19 and 15
Favorite Flower: Tulips
Favorite?: Chocolate!!!

Hi Delores your pages are very nice. Hope you and mom can renew an old friendship. Take care. Theresa

Jim Coombs - 04/28/00 15:28:19
Located: Muskegon, MI
Hobbies: WebTV. Writing Poetry
Kids: 3 sons, 1 daughter, 11 grand ones
Favorite Flower: Forget-Me-Nots

I have just spent a fantastic hour here in your "House". What a pleasure to find a potpourri of life, love and "a String of Pearls". I shall be back! Jim

Ken & Amy - 04/19/00 03:10:20
Located: PA
Hobbies: Tinkering w/everything
Pets: Stimy-english bulldog & Gork-mix
Kids: Breanna & Cyrena
Favorite Flower: Roses

We all love your page. It is very nice, I even teared up a few times. People like you are very rare, I am honored that I have met you. Take Care Auntie. Ken

Celia Johnston - 03/29/00 16:56:55
Located: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Hobbies: Visiting the Outdoors
Pets: 2 cats
Kids: 3 kids
Favorite Flower: daffodils
Favorite?: winter

Very pretty site. I'm so glad I found you.

Marilyn Bearce - 03/20/00 15:33:20
Located: Carson City, NV
Hobbies: rubberstampting
Pets: Camie (dog), Kit-kit (stray cat)
Kids: adult grandchildren
Favorite Flower: Iris, roses
Favorite?: This moment

How exciting to stumble upon your site! I love it.

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Guests 1-20
Guests 21-40
Guests 41-60
Guests 61-80
Guests 81-100
Guests 101-120
Guests 121-140

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