1820 Ohio Licking Washington Twp
Stephen Abrahams 010100 101110
John Abrahams 300010 100100
1820 Ohio Knox Co,Jackson Twp
James Abrahams 202010 20101
1830 Ohio Delaware Kingston Twp
James Abrams 0310001 0220001
Stephen Abrams 110001 0220001
Anne Abrams 00001 0000100001
1830 Ohio Licking Monroe Twp
John Abrams 2121001 020001 [p 7 of 12]
1840 Ohio Licking County, Monroe Twp. 93
John Abrams 20010001 2002001
Andrew Abrams 00001 10001
1840 Ohio Delaware Co, Kingston Twp
James Abrahams 00131001 00112001 [p 1 of 8]
1840 Ohio Delaware Co, Berlin Twp
Stephen Abrahams 0111001 111001 [p 11 of 12]
1830 Ohio Licking Bennington Twp
John Crow 01200001 1003001
1830 Ohio Delaware Kingston Twp [this could be the family
Catherine Abrams who md Eli. next to the Abrams in census]
Eli Overturf 30001 110001
1840 Ohio Licking Jacksonville Twp
John Crow 0000000001 000100001
1840 Ohio Licking Licking Twp
John Crow 102001 011001