Welcome to my other home on the web. This home I would like to dedicate to tributes and holidays.

It saddens me that the first two tributes I have to place on my site are my niece's only two children. But I must remember that our children are only loaned to us by God.
I would be honored if you would visit the pages I made for Cheyenne and Cole. The two angels that watch over our family.

Tribute to Cole

Tribute to Cheyenne

Tribute to My Angel Babies

Tribute to Murdered Children

I would like you to visit the page I made for my parents 50th Wedding Anniversary

Odus and Patricia's 50th Wedding Anniversary

I would like you to visit the page I made for my in-laws 50th Wedding Anniversary.

David and Nancy's 50th Wedding Anniversary

I guess we all like to celebrate at least one holiday if not all of them. I will be constantly changing and adding to my holidays. Hopefully there will be something that you like.

The first holiday I need to put up is the Christmas page that my MOW 2001 Secret Santa made me. Thank You I really like it.

My Secret Santa Page

Guestbook by GuestWorld

© pegfitz
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